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tate's pov

i knocked on ben's bedroom door asking if he was ready. i told him we had to leave early. "yeah, hold on a minute." he shouted through the door.

i took one more look at my outfit, debating on whether i should change.

ben opened the door and i saw devon fast asleep on the bed. "we look so cute. let's take some pictures." ben said, sounding tired. "oh my gosh yes!" i squealed.

we walked over to the big mirror in my room and snapped a bunch of photos.

"come onnn. i'm so excited." he cried out. "okay okay. go in the car. i'm gonna tell my parents where we're going."

he walked out of the house and i knocked on my parents door. "mom? dad?" i shouted through the door. "yes tatum?" i heard my father's booming voice say. "me and ben are going to sac for the day!"

"uh okay. have fun." he said. as i was walking away, i heard my parents whispering something.

"it feels so nice today." i said thoughtfully. i got into the drivers seat and started up the car. "wait so where are we going? why did we have to leave so early?" ben asked eagerly.

i drove out of the driveway and replied, "okay fine. we're going to sacramento. it's not specifically a date and stuff but we get to spend this entire day that's not in my boring house together."

"oooh really?!! i'm so excited. we should go thrifting oh my gosh." he rejoiced. "yes of course!"

i hooked my phone to the car's bluetooth and
we started listening to harry styles. we both looked at each other and gasped as She started playing.


we both were out of breath from screaming the lyrics to Carolina. "whew! do you want starbucks?" i asked, feeling drained out from singing. "yes please."

i exited the freeway and entered a starbucks drive-thru, asking what drink ben wanted. i ordered us our drinks and we headed off to goodwill.

"we're hereee!" we entered goodwill and saw all the clothes. thrifting takes a lot of time, so i'm glad we got there early.

i followed ben to the men's section, hoping to find more crewnecks and polo shirts.

"is this cute?" i asked ben, showing him an oversized tee with a cute logo. "you'd look adorable in it." he responded. i groaned and said, "you've said that the last 5 times i've shown you something."

"that's because you look adorable in anything." he kissed my forehead and look back at the rack he was going through. i literally melted and gave him a huge hug.

two hours later, we got our things and went to go eat breakfast. "my bank account is gonna be hurting after today." i said out of breathe from carrying my bags.

"can we go to in n out instead of some lame breakfast place?" he asked. in n out is the best fast food place ever. i could honestly eat it everyday. "you read my mind."


me and ben ran out of ikea laughing like crazy hyenas. "i can't...believe they...kicked us..out" ben said between breaths. "i...know.. right."

we ended up at ikea for 4 hours, acting like we lived in each of the rooms. one of the workers had to kick us out because they were closing and we didn't know. "this was probably like the best day of my life." he smiled.

"same. what do you wanna go do now? wanna drive around the rich neighborhoods and see all the houses?" i asked. "YES."

we drove around neighborhoods, looking sketch as hell. "ooh, i wanna live in that house. it looks so big and the perfect size for a kinda big family." i ranted on as we observed a beautiful suburban home.

ben looked at me and asked, "how many kids do you want?" "hmm.. at least 3 kids. honestly, 3 kids is perfect for me, but i feel like i'd want more. right now i kind of hate children but my opinion will obviously change in the future. " i answered.

"so we're having at least 3 kids?" ben asked. "woah chill out." i said in shock.

i laughed and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "wanna get boba and then we can drive back? can you take the long way so we have more time to listen to songs??" he asked in a pure and affectionate tone that made me wanna give him a million kisses in that minute. "uh duh." i replied.


i unlocked the door quickly before the mosquitos can bite and we took our shoes off.
"ew i need to shower. i'm so gross and sweaty." i complained. "yeah, same." ben agreed as we walked upstairs.

we both heard two voices in ben's room. "uh.. dev?" ben knocked. "b-ben! come in." devon sounded panicked. "who's in there with you...?" ben asked. once he opened the door, we both saw riley and devon cuddling together.

"i- woah." i said in shock. "are you guys like together?" ben asked.

"uh- we're seeing each other i guess? well we both like each other, but we need to get to know each other first to see if we'll like.. work out." riley confirmed.

"wow- uh okay. also me and ben are also dating." once i announced our relationship, riley jumped up from devon's arms and started babbling on and on about what happened between us. "i'll tell you later." i explained, feeling overwhelmed from riley screaming at me.

"i'm gonna go shower now.. have fun you two."

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