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third person pov

the next day, tate woke up extra early and knocked on her parents door. "dad! mom!" tate yelled with excitement. she could hear matthew groan and unlock the door.

"what?!" he said looking extremely tired. "you have to call devon's parents soon. here, this is their contact info. dev gave me it."

the previous night tate told devon about the plan and if he was willing to do it and of course he said yes and gave her his parents numbers.

tate only had devon's number through a groupchat with them and ben so that they could facetime and play roblox with dev.

matt yawned and groggily said, "okay i'll do it when i wake up."

"can you do it right now? you're gonna wake up at like 2pm. please dad? this is all you need to do then me, riles, and peyton will handle everything else."

mathew let out a groan and grabbed the paper from tatum's hand and started dialing the number on his phone. tate went to use the bathroom while her dad spoke to devon's parents.

she was beyond excited to see the smile on ben's face when he saw dev.

when tate got back to her parent's room, she saw matthew and mr. badger chatting. "is it going well? what did he say?" tate whispered to her mom. "he said yes." jenn replied.

"tate, you're doing an amazing thing for ben and i know he'll appreciate it. i'm so proud of you." jennifer put her hand on her daughter's cheek and smiled.

tate grabbed her mom's hand and grinned, "thanks mom." it's been awhile since tate has felt her mother's touch and it made her warm inside. she missed the old mom.

"is there something going on between you and ben? you're always together." jenn asked, already knowing the answer. "mom just because ben and i hang out a lot doesn't mean we're dating or anything. we're like best friends."

"i've seen the way you look at each other sometimes." tate suddenly got really nervous. "okay fine. me and him.. kind of kissed a few weeks ago." she couldn't lie to her mother.

kailey and tate always their mom in on all their boy secrets. 

"aww. i think he's good for you.. i really do" tate gave a shy smile to jenn then they saw matthew hang up the phone.

"he said devon can stay for 2 weeks! now let me go back to bed." matthew grumbled. "thanks dad. love you." tate ran out of the room to text her friends.


guys devon's dad said yes!

i'm so pumped

my parents just came in
my room and told me to pack

YESS ugh tate, ben
will be so amazed i bet
he'll kiss you again

hopefully even more
than that

yall r gross
stfu and get ur asses
over here. devon we'll pick
you up in about 30 mins be



peyton pulled up in devon's driveway. "are you sure it's his house?" pey asked. "um i mean it should be."

"okay let's get out of the car." tate said. the three walked up to the doorway and rang the doorbell.

mrs. badger opened the door and the group was greeted by a small barking dog. "oh my goodness hi!" riley shouted and started petting the puppy.

"sorry about her. um hi! i'm tate. this is peyton and riley." she pointed out to who her friends were and the lady just nodded.

"do you know where devon is? we're here to-"
peyton soon got cut off by, "devons in his room. go down the hallway and make a right at the first door." she said firmly.

"what was that for?" peyton whispered to tate. "i don't know but whatever let's find him and leave. riley come on!"

the group walked past a fluffy cat who did not look friendly. it hissed at them as they walked past a large bookshelf.

devon's home seemed expensive and antique. the house seemed crowded with period pieces everywhere.

once they got to devon's door, tate knocked on the door and heard a voice say, "come in." they walked in and saw devons room.

his room was plain and boring, differentiating from the rest of the house. "hey guys. it's so nice to see you finally."

tate hugged devon and they started chatting for a bit. "why is he kinda cute" riley whispered to peyton. "tell him that not me bitch."

"no thanks" dev and tate noticed the two whispering and tate groaned in embarrassment. it was obvious they were talking about devon.

"uh, i think we should get going now." tate checked the time: 12:34 pm

"yeah" they all agreed. the four headed to tate's car and drove back to millcaster.

"okay so dev you're gonna hide in the downstairs guest bathroom. i'm gonna go to ben and tell him that i made breakfast. then you're gonna come up behind him and scare him." tate said before opening the door.

devon nodded his head, "got it. can someone record?" riley gestured to her phone, "yep"

the teens tried to sneak the boy in without making much noise. they didn't want ben to know that tate left the house.

everyone got in their places and tate walked upstairs. "ben? i made us breakfast." she smiled at him. seeing her smile as the first thing in the morning warmed his heart.

ben got up from bed. he was shirtless and his hair was messy. tate felt flustered looking at his bare back as he changed into a shirt. god why does he have to be so hot

they walked downstairs and suddenly devon creeped up behind ben and slapped his back.

"what th-" ben turned around and saw devon. "YO.." they hugged each other. "i missed you." ben said.

"wait you guys planned this?" ben asked noticing tate, riley, and peyton smiling. seeing ben happy made tate extremely happy. "you missed dev a lot and complained about not being able to visit him, soo i brought him to you!"

ben picked tate up and twirled her around in a hug. she started laughing super hard.

ben stopped twirling her and he thought about how much he appreciates tate. i can't believe she did this for me..

next thing you know ben leaned in and placed a kiss on tate's lips. all of a sudden it felt like they were the only ones in the room. or the world it felt like.

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