✨ 🌸 going crazy 🌸 ✨

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3rd person

The room was small. And really, extremely clean.

A small bed stood next to a window. On the right side was standing a desk with a chair, a few books and papers scattered on it. A few pictures were standing on a drawer...probably for clothes. Nothing more...

"If we need more space we can go to the living room" suggested Seungmin. No, he had never been ashamed of the place where he lives. They didn't have a lot of money but for Seungmin... home is home.

"No, uh it's fine" said Hyunjin.

"So then, shall we start?" he smiled.

The latter nodded and they started with their project.

There was something that Hyunjin was interested in. 

Seungmins parents.

It kinda confused him but he didn't want to ask.

He didn't want to show the younger that he wasn't interested in him. Not in any way.

That's what he kept repeating in his head.

But he didn't know that his heart had a different opinion.

"You know, she really likes you" broke Seungmin the silence.

"Uh? You mean aun- your grandmother?" cleared Hyunjin his throat.


"Well, she is really nice"

"I know"

Hyunjin would be lying if he wasn't jealous. The way the lady would smile at her grandson, pat or ruffle his head, squeezing his cheeks, giving attention.....Hyunjin would like to know what it feels like to have someone like that...it's more like he wished he'd have this kind of attention from his parents, yet he didn't ask them. It should come from them...not from him. He had everything...an own apartment, money, a good reputation at school, friends....but he didn't have that kind of attention from his parents...and he'd actually give everything to have it...because he knew the attention he was thinking about was called 'love'. Just the word itself made him shiver. But he didn't believe in love he never had and he never will. At least that's what he thought...

She knocked on the door.

"Oh my! What hard working boys you are! I've got something for you!" smiled Mrs.Cho.

"Oh grandma! that wasn't-"

"Shush! You deserve it!"

She placed the tablet with water and some sandwiches on the floor.

"Thank you, Mrs.Cho" 

Seungmins heart skipped a beat.

"He thanked her..."

"I told you to call me auntie cho, dear" she laughed. "Anyways...it will take some time till dinner's ready so I thought a snack would be a good idea since I don't want you to starve! You're staying for dinner Hyunjin, right?"


"Yes, Jinnie is staying, ma" interrupted the younger, earning a hesitating glance from Hyunjin.


"Okay..well then..keep only working! I'll call you"

"Yes! Thanks!"

With that she left, leaving the boys alone.

"You should stay for dinner. Her food is really good, I swear you can't eat it anywhere else!" said they younger.


"Stop stuttering Hyunjin..."

"Here, take it..." Seungmin gave Hyunjin his sandwich who accepted it.

They both went back to their project while eating their sandwich. It was tasting really good. Hyunjin wasn't good in household chores neither cooking...well, he can use the dishwasher and maybe a bit the washing machine and the dryer but he sucks in cleaning. He never had tried to learn it... neither did he try to cook for himself. Of course he was eating but he always orders or eats instant food. Most of the times even snacks and sweets. But he was used to it.

"It's really good" he commented.

"Glad you like it. You know...you're always welcome here"

He felt ashamed.

He treated the younger so bad, yet he was so kind to him.

"Jinnie!" giggled Seungmin "You truly have to learn how to eat normally"

There it was again.

This feeling.

But this time his heart felt like racing.

Seungmin wiped the bread crumbs off the latters lips but this time with his thumb. Suddenly, Hyunjin grabbed his hand. At first, Seungmin thought he'd slap it away...what he usually would do but no...this time he was holding it. Their eyes met. Hyunjins eyes so cold but Seungmin new that deep down...there was something else...someone else...

Hyunjin was innerly fighting with himself.

He wanted to let go but he couldn't.

He didn't want to.

"He's so adorab-Let go!"

The raven haired quickly pulled his hand away. He was blushing.

Seungmin started to laugh.

"Yah! What's so funny?" asked Hyunjin who started to panic.

"Nothing. It's just..you're so funny when you're blushing. Especially you ears" he laughed.

The older tried to feel upset but he felt....happy?... maybe because he made the younger laugh?

Once again, without realizing it, he smiled.

"I have never thought he would smile at me like that..."

"Dinner is ready!" called Seungmins grandmother out of the kitchen.

"Let's go!" laughed Seungmin, taking his hand. Hyunjins hand.

"I'm going crazy..."


Mae 💜

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