After the war

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This one-shot talk about many people and what happened for them after the rebellion.

Gale's POV

The rebellion is over. We won, even though I feel like I lost everything. By my fault, the sister of my best friend, the girl I love, died. Katniss will never forgive me for letting go of the parachutes. I already knew she didn't love me, she was in love with Peeta, but it broke my heart to know that I had lost her forever. I left to District Two because it would hurt too much to see her. I don't know what happened to my family but I do know that once they found out what I did they would hate me, even my mom. I am alone now.

Katniss Everdeen was the love of my life but I let her go.

Mrs Everdeen's POV

We may have won, but I feel more drained than anything else. Prim is dead. My daughter, my little ray of sunshine, is gone. She was just supposed to heal the wounded, not die. I already went through this with the death of my husband and it was horrible, I didn't have to go through it again with my little girl. I moved to District Four to help as a doctor and also because I will not be able to bear to return to District Twelve.

Once again, a part of my heart is breaking.

Haymitch's POV

I made a decision, no more alcohol. I don't want to mop about this part of my life anymore, it's over for me. While I can never forget the Hunger Games, like most winners, I want to try to move on and live my life. Now I want to be there to help Katniss and Peeta and then be a good uncle for their daughter, Prim.

Getting drunk is over for me, like everything that happened at the Capitol.

Johanna's POV 

After the war I returned to District Seven. I couldn't bear to stay on the Capitol after everything they had done. They killed my family, tortured me for few weeks and killed my best friend. I was just happy about one thing, Snow was dead. After what he had done to us, he deserved to parish. I just regret not having been able to fight, I wanted to make them pay. I can't stand watching people I care about die so now I'm alone in my house in the village of the victors.

My life is complicated and painful, but I'm used it to now.


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