chapter 4

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'bleed and then submit' 

'bleed and then submit' 

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When Alaric said they were going to have a great summer, Georgie had almost believed him.

It had started off alright with her even getting the chance to finally meet Matt Donovan and asking him tons of questions about her father which he was always more than happy to answer for her. He had told her all about his life before he trigged the curse, all about the adventures they got up to. Georgie thought that one of the best things she had heard in her life was him telling her that he saw a lot of teenage Tyler Lockwood in the teenage Georgie Lockwood. She knew her father had his faults - and anger issues that she clearly inherited - but she would forever idolise him.

She'd even gotten a little closer to Josie and Lizzie while Hope was away visiting her Aunt Freya and her wife. The twins weren't particularly keen on Hope but they tried to keep their snarky comments (most came from Lizzie) to a minimum when she was around as they knew that Georgie was just trying to keep friends and not make an enemy.

The third week of summer was when her issues really started to kick in. There was a full week left until the next full moon but her wolf was desperate to get out. She knew that her hybrid abilities meant that she wasn't bound to the wolf but she still wasn't ready to tell everyone what she really was - she was already the new, shiny orphan and she didn't want the other kids in school to gossip about her anymore than they already were after everyone learned she was THE Tyler Lockwood's daughter. She needed desperately to shift and the smallest things were setting off her inherited anger issues, but the worst part was that she had learnt from this that anger was the closest thing to almost triggering her transformation.

The third week of summer also happened to be when Hope Mikaelson came back from visiting her aunt in New Orleans, and just so conveniently happened to be when the alpha of the school's werewolf pack, Jed, returned from his mini holiday break. Many of the students only went to see their parents for a week or two rather than the full summer, especially the wolves who would need the basement prison cells for when the full moon hit. Josie had taken her down there the week prior to explain how her first full moon at the school would happen, and Georgie had planned out that she would just go with it and shift when the other wolves did to make it seem like she was just a werewolf.

The third week of summer just so happened to be the week when everything she had planned came crumbling down around her.

"Georgie! Hey!" Hope called out as she entered the grounds, seeing her roommate sitting in the front lawn of the school grounds reading one of the books that Hope had given her before leaving for New Orleans. Georgie's head shot up and a small smile fell across her lips as she watched Hope adjust her duffel bag strap as she approached her room-mate.

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