chapter 7

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'this is the part where you run' 

'this is the part where you run' 

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Georgie wasn't sure how time had passed so quickly since she had first been admitted to the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted but the summer break was finally over and they would begin their first day of term in the following day. She hadn't ever been to a school with other pupils, having always been homeschooled by Professor Tyers as he attempted to limit her contact with anything that could trigger her werewolf gene - something she now considered ironic as it had been his own death that caused it.

She hadn't been out in her wolf form that often since her accidental outburst half-way through the summer, but she certainly had developed a much better control. They'd only had one or two accidental shifts since then and her anger issues had significantly improved - albeit not aided by the early return of Penelope Park earlier on in the month who had seemingly made it her mission to annoy Josie by constantly trying to talk to Georgie in a flirtatious matter.

Surprising them all, Georgie had known what the girl was attempting to do. Lizzie had bluntly asked her if she even knew what dating and flirting were, to which Georgie had simply rolled her eyes and said she was home-schooled, not amish. Josie wasn't entirely sure if that was a politically correct thing to say but she didn't interrupt the girl who was clearly feeling proud of herself for being flirted with.

Starting from that point, Lizzie and MG had been making it their secret mission to find out more about Georgie's dating preferences - if she even had any - to see if their friend would have any chance if she decided to try and act upon the crush she had been harbouring almost since the moment her eyes first laid on the Lockwood heir. So far, they hadn't really discovered anything other than the fact she wasn't wanting anything from Penelope Park - which narrowed down nothing.

Their biggest part of the plan? Just leaving Josie and Georgie to their own time, aka Lizzie dramatically telling Josie that Georgie desperately needed their school's dress code explained to her after Georgie had asked Lizzie if she had to wear plaid all of the time.

"So the proper dress code is pretty much anything that has the school logo on it," Josie explained, looking through the school clothing that Hope had leant Georgie until she got some of her own. The biggest issue the two girls were finding was that Georige had pretty different tastes in clothing to Hope, meaning that they weren't finding that much that the Lockwood was excited to wear. She'd easily agreed to wear the plaid skirt that most of the students chose to wear albeit not mandatory, but it was finding something for her to wear with it that was proving rather difficult.

"Do we have time to be doing a fashion show right now?" Georgie asked, clearly not feeling the urge to go through every article of clothing in the cupboard until she found something she was in love with. "I thought classes started at nine?"

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