chapter 6

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'i just happen to be very, very attracted to her'

'i just happen to be very, very attracted to her'

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"What if she gets kicked out?"

Lizzie groaned as she pulled her pillow over her own face, trying to block out her twin's constant worrying and the repeated thumps of her feet against the wooden floor as she paced back and forth nervously. The question in the air had been asked six times now and Lizzie was almost 95% sure that it would be asked again within the next four minutes at this rate.

She had been doing it for almost forty minutes now, waiting to hear what was going to happen to Georgie Lockwood. Lizzie knew exactly what was happening here, she'd predicted it to MG in the first week of Georgie being at the school as she noticed how Josie had looked at the girl when she wasn't looking.

"Your adorable little crush will be fine," Lizzie groaned, slamming her pillow back on to her bed as she sat up to look at Josie incredulously, just wanting the girl to calm down and sit down so that they could both get some sleep. They only had a few weeks before summer was over and school started again, and Lizzie had been having this gut feeling ever since Georgie had arrived that this school year was going to be very different.

Obviously she didn't know about the extreme troubles they would face in the upcoming year, or she would have realised that Georgie hiding that she was a hybrid from them all was the least of their worries. Although later on they would all admit that finding out about her being a hybrid so early on would certainly help take the load off of things.

Josie spun around at her sister's accusation, her face going bright red of embarrassment as she stumbled over her words. Lizzie fake smiled at her as the darker haired girl tried to counteract what her blonde counter part had just said.

"She isn't my crush! We are friends, okay! I can be just friends with a pretty girl! She just happens to be very very pretty and I just happen to be very very attracted to her!" Josie exclaimed, stomping her foot slightly as she yelled at her sister. Lizzie snorted with laughter as she saw how much she had managed to tease Josie, the girl immediately blushing at her outburst.

A soft knock at the door caught both of the Saltzman's attentions as they turned to see a slightly sheepish looking Hope who had clearly just witnessed Josie's outburst about her roommate and was trying to hold back her own smile despite her rocky relationship with the duo. Josie blushed furiously as she realised that Hope had almost certainly just heard her outburst and also noted that she was probably the last person she wanted knowing that since Georgie was her roommate - and she guessed also her newest friend since they both shared the ability to be a wolf at will.

"That's eh... good to know," Hope half joked, knowing that the information might one day come in handy and storing it in her brain. She would never blackmail Josie - or anyone - for who they liked, but she did want to keep an eye on this potential relationship. To be fair, Hope wasn't even sure if Georgie was even in tune with what relationships felt like since it was becoming increasingly clear with every conversation the girl had with anyone in the school that she'd barely spent any time with anyone of her own age in her entire fifteen years of living.

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