chapter 23

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'it's been a crazy day'

'it's been a crazy day'

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Georgie wasn't sure how much time had passed for her friends while she had been off on her time travelling escapade, but it obviously hadn't been seconds. Her feet gave way underneath her as she found herself dropped on to the foyer floor, the lights much more dim than they had been previously which told her one thing: it was likely the middle of the night.

Groaning as she pushed herself up from the heap on the floor she was lying in, she looked around and noticed that nothing seemed to have changed since she had first been transported by the Time Keeper. Her bag was still in the foyer which told her it likely hadn't been more than 24 hours that she had been gone, and the fact Alaric wasn't standing staring at her like he he had seen a ghost was a good thing.

"Oh, Georgie, thank god," he breathed as he lowered his crossbow, his pyjamas swamping his frame as he moved forward to pull the girl into a hug. "You're okay. What the hell happened to you?"

Georgie was glad she wasn't in her blood coated clothes anymore but that didn't mean she wasn't still bruised up and covered in cuts from her second situation. All of the jumping through time had drained her, and she was now realising that the only reason she had made it to the third and final scenario was from adrenaline. Now that it was wearing off, she felt like she could pass out at any given moment.

"Georgie," Hope's voice breathed from the bottom of the staircase. Georgie spun around to see a half-awake Hope Mikaelson looking at her with cautious eyes. Georgie didn't blame them - the last thing they'd seen of her was her being essentially kidnapped by one of Malivore's monsters. "You're okay."

Georgie shrugged, not really sure if she was okay. Physically she was a little sore and bruised, and mentally her head was completely scrambled. Her father wasn't the man she thought he was and it turns out her beliefs of not having a family might have been misplaced after all.


Lizzie and Josie appeared at the top of the stairs, MG and Kaleb standing just behind them. She figured that either of the vamps had heard the commotion and woken up the twins on their way downstairs to see what it was about. Georgie assumed that considering they didn't seem to be on high alert about anything, it was safe to assume they'd defeated the Time Keeper somehow.

"Is he gone?" Georgie asked, her knees trembling a little as her legs almost considering giving way again. "How did you do it?"

"We didn't," Lizzie admitted, seeming the most awake out of all the teenagers. Georgie knew she was right in assuming it must have been the middle of the night because she wasn't actually sure if MG was even awake or sleep waking since he looked asleep almost. "He did it himself. He came back here hours after you left, spouted some rubbish about being a pawn in family matters and then he just like..."

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