chapter 19

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'the boy who still has a lot of good to do'

'the boy who still has a lot of good to do'

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Georgie wrapped Rafael's jacket around her a little tighter as she and Landon finished wrapping chains around the tree. They weren't going to make it back to the Salvatore School before the moon rose, and despite Raf's protests, Georgie had said that she would stay with him throughout the night. Landon was supposed to go back with MG when the time came, but Georgie was doubtful about that. Not only was MG nowhere to be seen but she also knew that Landon had no ability in his body to leave Raf behind, ever.

"You sure this is gonna work?" Rafael asked as Landon stepped back to look at his and Georgie's handiwork, nodding a little as he looked at the chains wrapped around his werewolf brother.

"Oh, to be honest, bro, this is actually a first for me," Landon replied, the sarcasm seeping through his tone as he looked back at Raf. "But if you have a better idea, I'm all ears. Georgie, any thoughts?"

Georgie shook her head, not wanting to get involved in whatever small argument that she could sense was brewing between the boys. Even though she wasn't bound to the moon cycle in the same way that Rafael was, it still put her on edge. She was so used to staying inside with headphones on during a full moon that she was already beginning to feel a little uncomfortable with the situation Landon had gotten them into. There was a feeling of dread in her stomach, as if something was going to go terribly wrong that night.

"A better plan would've been not leaving the school at all," Raf complained, tugging at the chains to make sure that they would be able to hold him. He shared a look with Georgie, both of them not so sure that they would be able to. She agreed with Raf's statement too, wondering why they'd even gone along with Landon's stupid plan anyway.

"Well, excuse me for wanting to help MG!" Landon exclaimed as he looked between Georgie and Raf, noticing how they were avoiding his gaze. "Or you."

"And now we're both screwed!" Raf replied, getting nervous about not being at the Salvatore School for his transformation. It was different for Georgie - sure, her anger could cloud her judgement sometimes but she mostly had complete control over her wolf abilities whereas he didn't at all. "'Cause, what, you-you couldn't find your parents, so you... you made him get answers from his? That's not right!"

"Answers that made his life better," Landon replied back, moving past where Georgie had crouched down to look at the small bonfire that the three teenagers had made. She was worried that it was already beginning to dwindle, having not collected enough firewood to begin with. "And this is coming from the guy who won't even have the conversation?" 

"What conversation?"

Georgie felt like she was intruding on a private conversation, but it also didn't seem like the perfect moment for her to just get up and leave without saying anything - and she didn't want to interrupt whatever Landon was about to say. Something in her told her that it was something she maybe wanted to know the answer to too.

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