chapter 10

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'i'll take that explanation now'

'i'll take that explanation now'

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Georgie mostly spent the next ten minutes trying to stop Number 17 from flirting with her AND getting the ball. She seemed mostly capable of stopping him from getting the ball - but sadly the flirting just didn't stop no matter how much she told him she wasn't interested. She could slowly feel herself getting more frustrated with him but she was sure that she was able to keep control for once.

Just as Kaleb scored another touchdown for them, Lizzie gathered the team for one last huddle before the game was over. Georgie noticed that they were at 42 points while the Timberwolves were at 48, which meant they only needed to score this last touchdown to beat Mystic Falls High School.

"Okay, guys. Last play of the game. It's Hail Mary time. Everyone but Josie, go long," Lizzie told them all, before seeing the confused look on Georgie's face. She paused as she considered explaining the play to the hybrid before remembering she didn't even know the rules of the game. "Georgie, just keep doing... whatever it is that you've been doing."

"Wait, what do I do?" Josie asked, interupting her sister as the rest of the team started to jog back out and on to the field. Georgie could hear their argument from across the pitch, but her attention was snatched away as she felt the presence of Number 17 again.

Georgie rolled her eyes as she cast him a slight glance, noticing that he had a wide grin on his faec as he stared at her. She took the bait, spinning around to properly face him as he looked her up and down while pretending to lick her lips. Her rage was beginning to rise again, but she was managing to keep it down for now.

"What is your problem?" She snarled, making a few heads turn to look at the duo while the rest of the team continued their argument about not passing the ball to Josie. She noticed MG and Kaleb turn to look over in her direction having heard her voice raise a little and noticing the anger in it.

"Let me take you to our afterparty tonight and I'll tell you all about it," he told her, causing Georgie to fake gag before turning back around and ignoring them. Kaleb sent her a worried look but she nodded to show him that she was fine, and that the teenage boy wasn't going to get a rise out of her anytime soon.

As the final play of the game burst into action, Georgie could do nothing but watch as Lizzie launched the ball down the field and towards Kaleb. She watched with held breath as the ball almost soared straight into his hands, before it somehow tumbled straight out of them at the last second.

She turned her head, noticing Josie on the ground looking slightly guilty and Georgie realised that the girl had siphoned some magic from her when they had all been talking minutes prior.

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