chapter 5

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'aren't you like... vegetarian?'


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"So, you're telling me Georgie Lockwood is a most likely a hybrid and none of us even realised?"

Emma and Dorian watched as Alaric slumped at his desk, a hand rubbing over his face as he tried to put the pieces together himself. He had known that Tyler Lockwood had once been a hybrid, but the plausibility of Georgie being one genetically had never even crossed his mind since Tyler had been brought back from the dead as human before he had triggered his werewolf gene when killing Liv. He shouldn't have been able to pass the hybrid gene down at all - which left the question of how Georgie Lockwood was somehow able to be one.

"She didn't tell us or show any indications of it at all," Alaric answered Dorian, his eyebrows furrowing as he thought about the towering and snarling wolf that had been standing in the front lawn of his school only half an hour prior. "How do we even know that she knew herself? She literally triggered her curse the day of the last full moon hence we both assumed she had already been a wolf when Caroline found her."

"She must have," Emma told the men, looking between them with a look of deep concern on her face. "Hope's told me before - albeit begrudgingly - that her wolf side gets anxious when she doesn't change into it at least once every fortnight. Georgie's been here almost a month now and she's newly triggered the curse, she surely would have told someone she was nervous for her first full moon locked up but the twins and Hope both told me that she hasn't even mentioned it to them and they're the only ones she really talks to."

Dorian nodded in agreement as his eyes widened in realisation slightly, snapping his fingers as he paced the room and voiced his thoughts.

"That would explain why she was so adamant to you Ric that she wasn't going to join the pack. We didn't believe her when she said she didn't even feel the pull at all, but it makes sense now that she didn't," Dorian pointed out, both of the other adults nodding in agreement as they all shared a group sigh at the problem they were now finding on their hands. "Hope never felt the pull either and she's a tribrid, so what's to say its not the same for a hybrid?"

Hope Mikaelson was a tribrid and therefore much more of a concern from a power based point of view, but she was also widely experienced with her wolf control and her magic. She'd grown up around the supernatural and had learnt from some of the best in the world. Georgie Lockwood might have only been a hybrid, but she certainly was a much bigger concern for the adults at the moment than Hope. She was clearly not in control of her wolf form, having tried to attack as soon as her paws had hit the ground earlier.

Thankfully, Hope hadn't wasted any time in transitioning into her wolf form - something Alaric knew she wouldn't have been happy about as she'd ripped her brand new sweater in the process. The older girl had clearly tried to calm down the other wolf but the younger one clearly hadn't been having any of it as the two had started to wrestle into the tree line with barks and snarls and growls. 

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