chapter 15

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"Does that answer your question?"

"Does that answer your question?"

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"Aren't you gonna be late?" Jo asked Josie as she continued doing the teenager's hair, still amazed that the girl sitting before her was her living and breathing biological sixteen year old daughter. 

"Oh, no. It's cool. No one will notice," Josie said sheepishly as she folder her hands in her lap, brushing them lightly against the dress that she had spent ages picking out previously. She was wearing the necklace that Hope had given her that morning, while the Lockwood bracelet that Georgie had made for her was clipped around her wrist. 

"At your own party?" Jo asked with a sad smile as she handed the hairbrush over to Josie, watching how the girl almost seemed used to no-one noticing that she was not gonna be there at the same time as Lizzie.

"Maybe if I had a date..." Josie shrugged, thinking about how she had been wanting Georgie to ask her in the kitchen that morning but the girl had instead headed off after Lizzie interrupted them, planning on getting a good wolf run in before the party. She looked down at the bracelet to see it wasn't yellow, causing Josie to assume Georgie was likely already at the party.

"Is there someone special?" Jo asked as she moved around to look at her daughter, sitting on the loveseat across from Josie as she allowed the girl to answer truthfully.

"That... is a complicated question."

"Humor me," Jo replied, a twinkle in her eye as she thought back to how Josie had acted with Tyler Lockwood's daughter that morning in the principals office. 

"Well... last year, there was this girl, but she dumped me," Josie said, causing Jo to coo sympathetically at the news of her daughters heartbreak. "And now, there's this other girl, um... but things have been confusing, so..."

"Does she know you like her? The hybrid from this morning, right?"

"How did you know I meant her?" Josie asked with wide eyes. "But I don't think so. I mean there was a kiss but only cause we would have died if not...long story... and we almost kissed again but Lizzie interrupted and um... she's had such a rough life and I don't even know if she'd be ready for anything..."

"I saw how she looked at you when you asked her to stay this morning, I've seen that look on her father's face before too," Jo said, interrupting Josie's ramblings as she tried to soothe the girl.

"Wait, you knew Tyler Lockwood too?"

"It's funny you know, he was once a thing with my sister, Liv,  who is technically your biological aunt - although his heart always belonged to someone else and she knew that too but I'd recognise that Lockwood smile anywhere. Besides anybody who spends five minutes with you would know how special you are."

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