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Play date - Melanie Martinez

Tsukishima third person

If Tsukishima could describe school, it would be boring. For more obvious reasons, but more or less it was an endless cycle of nothingness. Besides the occasional bullying and nitpicking, there wasn't much he could do.

Of course he wasn't doing the bullying (surprisingly)

Surely enough it was him who was getting bullied, why you ask? Because of some stupid standard Japan seemed to have with wings.

To him the size or color of your wings wasn't anything important, but apparently everyone gave a huge damn about it.

I mean, no amount of bullying was going to magically change his feathers from a beautiful gold to a dull brown or black. It was pointless.

If pouring black paint on his wings wasn't enough evidence than what is?

Not like Tsukishima cared about what others had to say, he couldn't give two shits if some low life's want to mock him for his almost rare wing color.

Jealous much?

But unlike him there where some who would do anything to change their wings to a color that society would accept.

People like Yamaguchi Tadashi.

Next song:

Orange Juice - Melanie Martinez

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