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[Hello! I seem to be updating a little more than I used to! Sorry if I make you wait too long]

Now playing:
Sunflower vol.6 - Harry styles

Tsukishima first person

After the lunch bell rang I decided I was going to talk to Yamaguchi. Why? He obviously wasn't going to talk to me first.

He had made the effort to at least write a letter, and I had to give him my answer anyways.

So I trailed behind a few people until, I made it to the cafeteria. Tables were filled quickly, but a small section was not. Which was where the volleyball team sat.

After a few seconds Yamaguchi walked in with the two stars of the team. Hinata and...the king.

I rolled my eyes, but began to walk towards them. Ready to just grab the timid male and go.

"What are you doing here Stingyshima," A cold voice asked, obviously belonging to Kageyama.

"Shut up King, I'm here for Yamaguchi," I scoffed, glaring at the black haired male.

"Don't call me that," He hissed, giving me the same intense glare.

After a small moment of silence, Yamaguchi pulled me away, "Okay! We can talk over there," he quickly said, making me rip my small glare away from Kageyama.

I sighed, "Whatever," I mumbled, walking away towards the door.


"What did you need Tsuki?" He asked shyly.

I looked away, why did you have to call me Tsuki in real like that.

"I just wanted to answer your letter, you didn't have to thank me. I didn't even do anything for you," I began, taking my hands out of my pocket. A small green slip of paper came out along with my hand.

"Here, if you what we can study sometime this week together,"

With that I handed Yamaguchi the paper, which contained my number. Hopefully things wouldn't get more awkward.

"Really?! I mean of course we can!!" He suddenly jolted, the excitement visible on his face.

Did me giving you my number and saying yes to your offer make you that happy?

I scoffed, "Just dont text me late at night okay?"


[Sorry I took so long to update! My internet got cut off lol- ]

Next song:
Not another song about love - Hollywood ending

[Also follow me on wit for Haikyuu chat fics! I just got the account so I'm working on actually doing it! My account name is Farmer.jima :)]

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