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[I just realized I never mentioned anyone's wings that much! So I will be doing that today, and also introducing new characters later on]

Now playing:
Not another song about love - Hollywood ending

Tsukishima third person

Tucking his wings back, Tsukishima headed home. His headphones turned almost all the way up. He was tired, he hated when one day everything would be going smooth and the next he would be locked in a janitor closet.

Can you guess which one happened? Of course you can.

For him he was ready to explode, even if his music was calming him to an extent he was fuming.

And you could tell. The glare his eyes gave off said it all. He was pissed.

His wings were soar, they played tug-of-war. A horrible game of it with his silky golden wings. He still could feel the muscle being pulled.

Even so, he walked like it was nothing. Only his eyes telling the truth of his emotions.


Silently entering his home, Tsukishima headed straight for his room. Ignoring his mom asking him how his day was.

She already knew how it went, and Tsukishima knew that. It pissed him off too.

He slammed his bag down on his bed as he entered his room, a long exhale filled the room.


He quietly began to change into something more comfortable, throwing his itchy uniform in his laundry basket.

He sighed, slowly walking over to his bed. He was so drained, but didn't want to show it.

He didn't want to look weak, not like his brother. He COULDN'T look weak.

He wasn't like his good for nothing brother.he would never be anything like him.



Snapping out of his thoughts, Tsukishima grabbed his phone from his bag.

Message from unknown:
UK: Hi Tsuki!! It's me Yamaguchi :)


[Sorry this is so short, I'm at my aunts and my phone about to die lmao🏃🏻💨]

Next song:
Love shot - EXO

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