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[Sorry for the wait! I actually joined athletics and I'm so happy :)]

Now playing:
FACE - Woosung

Yamaguchi third person

When the end of the day came, Yamaguchi was nervous. Tsukishima hadn't been around his locker and it made the boy even more anxious.

He was starting to regret writing the letter...

[TSUKISHIMA's third person P.O.V]

With a small groan, Tsukishima excited the gym. People targeted him more than they should have.

Dodgeball, not his favorite game to play.

As he walked into the slightly crowded halls, he tucked his wings back, not wanting some dumbass to be funny and pull his wing as he walked. It hurt it, it really did-

Tsukishima took his backpack off as he opened up his locker. He stuffed the bag inside, but watched as a slip of paper flew out. He quickly bent down to grab it.

He inspected it, but stuffed it in his pocket.

With ease, the tall male moved through the halls, reaching the large metal doors in front of the school.

A sigh of relief left his mouth, fresh air hit his face and it felt amazing.

Trying to ignore all the stares he got, he placed his headphones on and shuffled his playlist. Enjoying the mix of Japanese and American pop that played back to back.

After getting settled he began to head in the direction of his house, which wasn't too far from the school.

Shoving his hands in his pockets, he totally forgot about the letter he shoved in his pocket. That was until he had felt it with his finger.

He slipped it out and opened it up. Taking a notice to the neat handwriting.

Immediately he noticed the signature:

"Tadashi yamaguchi,"

He felt confused, what did that boy what with him?

'Maybe read the letter first Kei," He uttered in his head, rolling his eyes.

He took a pause and stood against the brick wall behind him. His eyes traveled across the paper.

Dear Tsuki,

I apologize for the trouble I caused you the other day! I should have watched where I was going..anyways! I wanted to thank you for making me feel better. No ones really complimented me like that before, so it means so much to me :)

Thanks so much,

Tadashi Yamaguchi

(P.S. Would you maybe want to study together sometime?)

'Did he call me Tsuki?'

A small shade of pink made its way to Tsukishimas face. He shook his head, looking over the letter again.

"Maybe we could study sometimes Yamaguchi"  He smiled slightly, beginning to walk again.

[Sorry if this was bad! My body is kinda sore from lifting weights :(]

Next song:
Sunflower, Vol 6 - Harry styles

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