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Now playing:
Bad boy - Red velvet

Yamaguchi's first person

That afternoon Tsukishima walked me home, it was weird. Not that he was weird it was just, we had only met a few days ago. So why was he so nice?

Pity maybe? No he's not like that.

I had learned a while ago that he too was bullied, he told me on our way to my house. Apparently a few people used to treat him like a punching bag in middle school, it kinda pissed me off in a way.

He told me not to worry though, he said he didn't care anymore.

How? How could he be so strong about it?

Why was he helping out someone as weak as me..


"H-huh?" I stuttered as I was taken out of my thoughts.

From Tsuki<3:
Are you feeling okay?

Oh! Yeah I'm feeling fine, you just kinda scared me haha-

Whatever, did you eat?

Not yet, I was going to!

Make sure to okay?

I'm going to bed now

Okay! Goodnight Tsuki!

Uh! I meant tsukishima..

Tsuki<3: Tch

With a small sigh, I set my phone down on my bed. "To the kitchen we go," I mumbled, getting up from my bed, and waddled to the kitchen downstairs.

Luckily my parents weren't home so the fridge was free rain. "Most of this is left over," I groan, pulling out a container of lasagna and placing a small portion of it on a plate.

I placed the container back and heated the food up quickly before going back into my room and eating.

As I closed the door to my room I got lost in thought again.

God I hate this.

[not me making a quick chapter because I realized I haven't updated in a while 😭🤚]

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