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Now playing:
Black swan - BTS

Tsukishima third period p.o.v

After Tsukishima's third period, he got up for lunch, making sure that he had everything witn him.

Walking down the hall wasn't hard when you were one of the first few to get out of the classroom first, so Tsukishima didn't have to deal with large crowds and the damage of his golden wings.

With a few more turns to take, Tsukishima was already waiting by the large double doors, which lead to some tables and a spread of court yard that surrounded Karasuno High.

Not much people went outside like that, most stayed in to group up and socialize in the large cafeteria that the school had, but it was different with people like Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. For them, it was best to stay away from others.

Take Yamaguchi's situation for example, when him and tsukishima first met. He was covered in food, which meant he was too close and disturbed everyone in the cafeteria. [FYI, there are windows that show the outside]

Tsukishima felt pissed with shit like that, why does a color decide your status? It made no sense and he wanted to do something about it, but what?

What could a high schooler do about a worldwide thing? Nothing.

He supposed the most he could do was protect his new friend..friend that sounded nice.

As he waited for Yamaguchi, he didn't notice the amount of time that had passed.

Where was he?

[I hope that was good ahdjwndnr I'm in the car rn👀 but anyways I'm making a oneshots book for all the ideas I get so look out for that i guess]

Next song:
Sweet creature - Harry styles

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