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[School started HAIDJWK anyways enjoy beautifuls]

Now playing:
Yes or Yes - Twice

Yamaguchi third person (Plus some special guests 😼)

The next day Yamaguchi found himself fidgeting with the small slip of paper in his hand.

He was nervous, so nervous he felt like he was sweating bullets. Even with a little encouragement to himself, he couldn't move his legs.

The sound of him taking a deep breath filled the almost empty hall, but not after a loud pair of footsteps.

As soon as he began to move, a new weight besides his nervousness fell upon his shoulders.


A loud voice yelled into his delicate ear, making him feel like his head was ringing.

"Shoyo?" Yamaguchi asked, turning his head, only to see the orange tuff of hair that is his best friend.

"Hi Yama!! Did anything happen while we were gone? Did anyone bully you? Tell me and Kageyama and we'll find the-"

"NO NO! It's fine Shoyo! Nothing happened haha," Yamaguchi laughed nervously, facing Hinata and Kageyama behind him.

"Ohhh~ whats this?" Hinata asked, snatching the paper from Yamaguchi's hand. His action made Yamaguchi heat up and snatch the paper back.


"Doesn't seem like nothing to me," Kageyama commented, aiming just attention to the note. Now intrigued, Hinata began to speculation what was happening.


"SHHHHH-" Yamaguchi tried to shush the energetic orange. "It's not a love letter! It's just a thank you note.." he muttered, fiddling with his fingers. He really felt like a elementary school girl with a crush. Even if he didn't realize it yet ;)

Kageyama eyed the nervous boy, "A thank you letter? To who?" He asked.

This is embarrassing!! Yamaguchi mentally yelled.

"To Tsukishima, he's in my history class..he helped me," Yamaguchi blushed. WHY AM I BLUSHING-

"Wait? Tsukishima Kei? That bastard saved you?" Kageyama questioned even more, not understanding how a jerk like Kei could have helped a innocent boy like Yamaguchi.

"Alright enough questions Bakayama! If you were giving him a letter hurry and go! Passing period is almost over!!!" Hinata warned while trying to encourage his bestie.


And with that Yamaguchi walked in a stiff way, his nervousness taking over. He was scared, but why? It was just a thank you letter, nothing more. Right?

[that was horrible ajdjsjd but I got motivation from a TikTok comment that wasn't supposed to be mean but was :( I don't really know if any of you are actually enjoying this story :/ I hope you are! I'm happy to continue writing, but I'm just scared- anyways sorry for writing a pity paragraph 😔‼️ have a great day!]

Next song:
FACE - Woosung

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