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Now playing:
Sweet creature - Harry styles


Altering third person P.O.V

"PLEASE STOP!" Yamaguchi screeched, slightly muffled by the hand over his mouth.

Everything was burning, his shirt was laying on the group, and his wings were being plucked of its once shiny Verdant feathers. He could feel the heel of a shoe dig into his side causing him to let out a silent scream.

Why? Why now! Why him?!

[With Tsukishima]

With a worried mindset, the tall male began to look around. Obviously Yamaguchi wouldn't be in the cafeteria, and he didn't see the King or his boyfriend.

He began to actually get anxious, what the fuck was going on?

"Hey Yamaguchi you there?" He called through multiple classrooms, but to no avail.

He even asked around, but ended up being shrugged off.

For once in his life he was scared and worried and someone else, but Yamaguchi wasn't just someone else. He was special, maybe one if Kei's first actual friends.

And that meant that Tsukishima would do anything to protect him.

Taking a break to catch his breath, Tsukishima had one last room to check, and that was the old music room. No one really went in there, mostly because there was no use for it.

But when he slid the door open, it seemed that the 'popular kids' found a purpose for it.

"You bastards," Tsukishima spoke, his tone sounded angry. Making the group turn to him.

The first to speak was Yui, the girl who ran it all. She had large brown wings that were tucked slightly behind her. "Come to save your little bitch?" She asked, a hint of tease dancing in her voice.

A few laughs came from the other two with her. "Fuck you Michimiya, fucking let him go," Tsukishima growled, taking his headphones off.

"Woah Tsuki, no need to get all bothered," Onima, a boy that was almost the same height as Tsukishima spoke.

"Don't call me that!" Tsukishima yelled, he was angry and heartbroken. "You better fucking leave before I do what you just did to him, to you," he threatened.

With a scoff and one last kick, the group of three were gone. As much as he would love to beat Yui's face, he couldn't.

"Yamaguchi?" He called, rushing over to the boy who was sprawled on the ground. "Hey it's me,"


"Mhm! It's me tsuki, can you move?" He asked, watching as Yamaguchi attempted to get up.

But all they got was a loud cry from Yamaguchi, and Kei could see why. There were forming bruises on his torso and his wings were bleeding. "Fuck!" Tsukishima suddenly yelled. [Just gonna couldn't how many times I've typed fuck]

"Goddamnit Yamaguchi," He hissed, picking you the injured boy slowly.


As Tsukishima lifted him up, he flinched, watching many feathers that once layered his wings fall to the ground like leaves.

He could feel a new set of tears form in his eyes..he was ugly


Why was he targeted for such acts? Especially when Tsukishima was around..now he knows how wear Yamaguchi was


[😭🤚 there might be spelling errors but I'm too lazy to fix them]

Next song:
Tears of the lynx - Banana fish 😔✨

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