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Now playing:
Cloud 9 - Beach bunny
[I forgot to add a song last chapter 😭🤚 also new iwaoi book coming out 👀]

Yamaguchi third person.

Yamaguchi took a deep breathe, "It does okay? It effects me, I want to scream," He admitted. Tsukishima felt his face get red from anger, but quickly changed expressions. "Don't listen to them, as stupid as it sounds,you have all of us, don't forget okay?"

"Of course Tsuki,"

"It's okay Guchi! If you want we can just skip and get ice cream!" Hinata suddenly barged in, making Tsukishima scoff, "Boke, we can't just leave school because you want to," Kageyama rolled his eyes, placing his hand on his boyfriends shoulder.


Yamaguchi let out a small giggle, "let's just forget this, we can go out during lunch, okay hinata?" He responded, making Hinata jump up. "Yes!!"

"He really is a ball of energy," Tsukishima commented, shaking his head slightly. "Tell me about it," Yamaguchi said back, beginning to walk along side his friends.


He liked that. Finally a group that treated him like he was more than just a stranger. More than a object to let your anger out on.

They saw him as a brother, a friend.

"What do you guys say to a sleepover?!" Hinata suddenly bursted, "So sudden?"

"Yeah!! We can watch movies and uh..." Hinata suddenly stopped, "Pfft- you don't even know what to do at a sleepover," Tsukishima scoffed, covering his mouth sarcastically. "Shut up!! It's not like you know either!" Hinata fired backed sticking out his tongue.

Kageyama looked over at Yamaguchi, giving him a 'are they being serious?' Look, while the other just laughed. "Come on guys, let's get today over with already,"

[This was kinda good to be honest, I'm thinking of ending it soon. Maybe a second book? That's better obviously 😤🤚 anyways expect a iwaoi story soon! ]

Next song:
Sofia - Clairo

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