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Now playing:
Sofia - Clairo
[Okay so book ending 🪱 yay? This book has been a wreck, but if you decided to stick around I have a Iwaoi and Levyaku story coming out, more details on that in the end]

Tsukishima's first person P.O.V


I admit it, at first I said school was boring and stupid. That's because it was, and kinda still is.But, now not as much. I mean not to get sappy and shit, but now I have something to look forward to.

I guess you can say I managed to make friends, even if someone of them (cough* the king *cough) aren't the best.

Even so, they at least make getting through high school a much better experience.

"Tsuki!! Me, Kageyama, and Yamaguchi are going to that new ice cream place in town wanna come?" Hinata shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts, "Sure and hey, did you get shorter?"

"HEY!!" Hinata huffed, his face churning into a angry expression and his wings puffing out.

After a few seconds Hinata began to giggle, and I chuckled a bit, then we began to walk towards the two who were watching us. "Took you long enough, come on before too many people get there," Kageyama complained as he began to walk.

"Oh whatever!" Hinata countered, catching up with him. "Those two act like a married couple," Yamaguchi commented, looking up towards me. I sighed, pushing my glasses up. "They sure do, now come on I'm in the mood for ice cream,"

Playlist complete

[ My Levyaku book is a old royalty AU where Yaku is a bread maker and Lev is a prince. :) hopefully you like the idea and also this book! I tried my best to update well but I just never remember, I'm sorry for that! Anyways till next time!
- C.H ]

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