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Now playing:
Dear - Cavetown

Yamaguchi third person

Slurs (I'm a homosexual please don't kill me 😭🤚 the f-slur makes me uncomfortable as well)

School had come around again and Yamaguchi stood in the halls frozen. He had heard the whispers and was now watching as his two closest friends wipe his locker down quickly. His eyes glued on the words scribbled on his locker.

"Worthless F@g,"

Yamaguchi felt his stomach turn and his lip began to quiver.

"What the hell?" A familiar voice sneered.

Oh no

"Yamaguchi, are you alright?"

Tsukishima no-

"Look at him,"
"I can't believe it's true, freak,"

The whispers began. "I-I'm fine, I just need to go," Yamaguchi exclaimed, turning to go to the restroom.

But Tsukishima seemed to read him, and quickly grabbed his arm. "Yams, talk to me, I know this effects you, so please don't run,"

- - - - - -

( I did write this during my English period 🧍🏻‍♀️)

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