mittens (e. blunt)

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au where emily is single

Working as part of the crew for a big-shot Hollywood movie has got to be a fantasy, right?

But no, there you were, sweeping the floor of the set after they had finished shooting. Not that you were complaining about the mundane task. You also got to do all sorts of more exciting things, like helping the costume department and the cast decide which outfit would be better when you brought them in, bringing the cast their coffees, and taking pictures if they decided to post anything.

You were an all-around person and everyone liked you for it.

Everyday, without fail, you would come to work wearing at least a jacket or a hoodie with your outfit, nobody had seen you without one.

It became a running joke to be called  "Mittens" because of the sweater paws you would get while working, and sometimes people would pull your hood over your head, all in the name of good fun.

One of the reasons you loved work so much was because your long-time celebrity crush, Emily Blunt, was on the cast, and you loved delivering her coffee just to see her smile.

One day, though, you realized you had no more jackets, you had fallen behind on doing your laundry. So you pulled on a white polo and a black camisole over black jeans and boots, leaving the top three buttons open.

Walking onto set that day had been very weird. Everyone was complimenting you and how good you looked, and Luke, one of your close friends, had even ruffled your hair and said, "Looking good, Mittens."

The cast was very busy that day, and you weren't expecting any reaction from them anyway, why would world-famous actors compliment a kid on set?

So it was much to your surprise when you were passing the trailers to hear, "Y/N, could you come here, please?"

Looking over your shoulder, you saw the one and only Emily Blunt calling you over with a smile on her face.

In disbelief, you pointed to yourself, asking her, "Me?" to which she responded by giggling and waving you over, "Yes, you, silly."

Straightening your polo over your jeans, you walked over to her trailer, smiling nervously.

"Dear, there's no need to be nervous around me," she smiled kindly, "Come in, sweetheart."

As you entered her trailer, you kept your head down, nervously fiddling with your bangs that fell around your face.

"Honey, I'm not going to eat you, I was just admiring your outfit and wanted to ask you to try this on," gesturing to a black necktie and blazer on her table, "I was thinking of using it in a scene, but then I saw you without your typical hoodie, 'Mittens', and decided to ask you to try it instead."

Momentarily rendered speechless, you glanced from the outfit to her to the outfit again, which made her laugh, "Seriously, Y/N, just put it on, you're already wearing the polo, I'll help you with the tie."

Still rather dumbstruck that one of your all-time crushes had just asked you to try on her clothes, you started buttoning up your polo and slipping on the blazer, which fit oddly enough, just right, considering you were slightly taller than her.

"Wow, it looks amazing," Emily stood, marveling at you, "Damn, I should have thought of this sooner."

She took the tie and started tying it securely, but then frowned and threw it aside. Rather confused now, you watched as Emily took a bow tie from her drawers and started tying it on you instead.

"Uh, Emily, with all due respect, why did you suddenly ask me to try this on? I mean, don't get me wrong, but it is kinda random," you shyly asked, just as Emily finished the tie and smiled at you.

"Sweetheart, everyday I try to guess what color hoodie you will be wearing. Everyday I look forward to you bringing us coffee just so I can see your pretty, shy face when we thank you. I have been crushing on you since we started filming, Y/N," she said, the corners of her mouth curving slightly upwards, her cheeks tinted a light pink.

Hypnotized by her accent, what she said didn't even sink in until 10 seconds later, when you managed to say, "Wait, you? Have a crush? On me? Wow, wait, I think I'm about to flip my shit," you started rambling, face a very obvious shade of red, stopped only when Emily pressed a soft, chaste kiss to your cheek.

"Of course I do, silly, why won't you believe me?" she smiled up at you, straightening out your outfit, liking the way it looked on you, "Now will you kiss me, or are you going to stare all day?"

You didn't hesitate any longer and pulled her in for a soft, sweet kiss that seemed to last forever, until you both needed to stop for air.

"Wow, damn, I just kissed my long-time celebrity crush, I stay winning."

"You're not the only one winning here, you know," Emily said softly, seductively, almost, as she traced her finger over your jawline, trailing down your neck, before whispering in your ear huskily, "You look great in my clothes."

You started kissing again, before breaking it off to ask, "Did you really try to guess what color my hoodie would be?"

She chuckled, rolling her eyes, "Yes, sweetheart, we placed bets on it everyday. Now shut up and kiss me. I've waited for this."


wc : 933

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