cupcake (s. bullock)

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prompt is in bold

"Hey, Y/N, are you there?" Sandra called out as she exited the bathroom, hair dripping.

Huffing, you rolled over in your bed, drowsy but in denial, "I'm here, Sandy. Not like I have anywhere to go, you know."

"I know, I know, I was just checking. Maybe you fell asleep on me again."

"That was one time."

"And I was talking to you!"

"And now you're talking to me and I'm very much awake. Happy?" you retorted sarcastically.

The brunette laughed, taking her spot next to you on the bed, "Very."

"Can we cuddle now, please?"

"Only because you asked so nicely."

Wrapping your arms around her, you lay your head on her shoulder, allowing her familiar scent to invade your space. She saw that you were smelling her, yet again, and instead of calling you out on your weird behavior, she let it be, because she found it beyond adorable how attached you were.

"You're so warm," you said, slurring slightly, "Your hair is really soft after you wash it."

"Honey, you're exhausted, you should sleep."

"No, I'm veryyyy awake."

"Then why are you saying my hair's soft?"

You buried your face further into her brown hair with a grin, mumbling, "Because it is. Pictures always make it seem like it's rough, but it's actually really soft and it smells really nice. It's just like you."

"You're adorable."

"No, I'm not. I'm very scary and very mean."

"Yeah, right."

"Did you just use sarcasm on me?" you asked, narrowing your eyes at her.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't."

"You don't play fair. I am very very dangerous. You should be very scared of me."

Patting your head, Sandra grinned at you, "Don't take it personally, but I feel like I'm being threatened by a cupcake."

"At least I can give you diabetes."

"You wouldn't want that, though, would you?"

"I just might," you scowled, "if you keep calling me a cupcake."

"Wouldn't you like that? It means you're sweet and fluffy and you're a whole-ass snack."

"Cupcake feels like an insult. I'd rather be a cinnamon roll."

"Okay, then you're my, sweet, tasty cinnamon roll," Sandra concluded with a grin, patting your head.

"Why did we start talking about food? Now I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry."

"This is all your fault."

Feigning offense, she frowned at you, "Why is it my fault?"

"Because," you retorted, "you won't stop calling me names."

"Names? I was just correcting your lies."

"Where was the lie, might I ask?"

"You said you were dangerous and very scary and mean."

"Which is true! Even your kids hate me 'cause I'm a 'meanie'!"

"You did scare the living daylights out of Laila, I think she has the right to call you a meanie," she replied with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, you just admitted I am a meanie."

"You are. Sometimes."

"See? I wasn't lying."

"But you aren't dangerous or scary."

Very annoyed, you crossed your arms over your chest, glaring, "I am very dangerous."

"You're about as dangerous as a fluffy bunny rabbit."

"No, I'm as dangerous as a hungry cobra. Or a poisonous spider."

"Then prove it. Make a dangerous or scary face at me," she said smugly.

You scrunched your nose up, baring your teeth. Which didn't look scary in the least. On the contrary, you looked absolutely adorable with your fluffy cheeks, trying to be dangerous.

"You're such a cinnamon roll," Sandra remarked, "No matter how hard you try, honey, you're too cute to be scary."

"I'm not cute!"

"Suuuuuure, whatever you say."

"Honestly, it's like you're bullying me."

"Bullying? If anything, I'm complimenting you."

"How is everything you just said a compliment?"

"Would you rather I call you a cupcake?"

"No. Absolutely not."

Sandra smiled at your reaction and kissed your head, "Then I guess you're stuck with cinnamon roll."

"Fine. Only you get to call me that. I have an image to uphold, you know."

"What image? Cate and Sarah literally call you 'the softest baby ever', and you let them. It's not like you don't have a scary image or anything. And yet you still refuse my bakery names for you."

"I'm weak when it comes to pretty ladies," you said, pretending to faint in her arms.

"So what, I'm not pretty?"

"No, you're not."


"You're not pretty, silly. You're beautiful."

"Nice save, cupcake."

"You said you wouldn't call me that!"

"Oops, I guess I lied, then."

wc : 742

could y'all drop feedback and requests/ideas/prompts please?

thanks a lot if anybody's still reading this

- mayesha 🤧

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