getaway ride (e. blunt)

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"Hey, Emily?" you mumbled softly into your phone, not wanting to draw attention to yourself. It was eight o'clock, after all.

"Yeah, what is it, Y/N? Did something happen? Are you okay?"

You bit your lip, holding back the furious tears that were building up in your eyes. A few moments later, you shakily answered, "Um, yeah, I'm fine, but, something happened."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'll tell you about it, but, are you busy?"

"Not really. I was actually going to call you," she chuckled from the other end of the line, "What's the tea?"

"Are you absolutely and completely free?"

"Uh-huh, what do you need me to do?"

"Could you, maybe," you sniffed, stifling a sob, "pick me up? I want to get out of here before I do some stupid shit."

"Say no more, I'm on my way. Do you want to talk to me in the meantime?"

You shook your head, rather stupidly, you realized, because she couldn't actually see you, "I'll leave you to drive, we can talk later."

"No, actually, I just want to make sure you won't attempt any shit. It's more for my peace of mind rather than yours."

"What a way to lighten the mood, Em."

"Hey, look, I care, okay? Now, talk to me. What do you want to do at my place?"

"What makes you think that's what I had in mind?"

"Please. You never call me asking for a ride unless you're really drunk or just in need of comforting."

"And what makes you say that going to your place qualifies as comforting?"

Emily laughed shamelessly, her hands locked on the steering wheel. She had only bothered to pull on a jacket, since she was wearing sweatpants and a shirt, anyway. "Oh, Y/N. I swear, I love you so much. Even when you discredit my comforting skills."

"Don't make me laugh, Emily," you groaned, hot tears still leaking out of your eyes, try as you might to hold them back, "I'm going through a shit ton of emotional turmoil right now, and you're laughing at me."

"Please, I'm not laughing at you. Heaven knows how much I missed you, even your dry sense of humor and cheesy jokes."

"Stop making fun of my jokes."

"They are cheesy as hell, Y/N, now open the door, I'm here."

"I'm not going out of the door. They can't know I'm going out."

"Wait," the blonde said, laughter screeching to an abrupt halt, "I'm harboring a fugitive again, aren't I?"

"Possibly," you stated, hanging up the call and tapping on her car window, "Now let me in, it's fucking cold."

"I'm risking my ass for you, you have to explain what the actual fuck is going on."

You slid into the passenger side and buckled your seatbelt nervously, not wanting to tell her what happened just yet.

A few moments of silence passed as you leaned your head back onto the headrest. Emily knew you well enough to be able to see that you were struggling to verbalize what you were feeling, so she just clasped your hand and passed you the auxiliary cable.

Tears were forming in your eyes as you mumbled, "Can I tell you about it at your place? I really just want to get away from here."

"Sure. Are you hungry?"

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