hotseat (r. byrne ft. e. blunt + holy trinity)

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(ok so this fic is vvvv different from my normal ones, and well- it's sorta based on true events, hope y'all like it and leave feedback, stream dayfly ^^^ 💓 oh and reader is filipino :>>>)

bullocks has added rose ✨ to chaotic hoes 👀

bullocks : hello ms byrne

rose ✨: um- hi?

screaming bitch : it's the wifey omg

bitchy y/n : shut up paulson 

bitchy y/n : hi rose

rose ✨: who is who again

blunt bitch : emily blunt

carrot blanket : cate blanchett

bullocks : i think it's pretty obvious. sandy bullock

screaming bitch : sarah paulson

rose ✨: ooo okay thanks for that

bitchy y/n : so as you can see we all have cool nicknames

bitchy y/n : i need to update this

carrot blanket : here we go again

screaming bitch : see y/n this is exactly why we call you chaotic

rose ✨: isn't she actually normally chaotic tho

blunt bitch : oooo rose knows y/n pretty well

bullocks : smells like something's going on ladies

bitchy y/n : ➖👄➖

bitchy y/n : i pretend i do not see it

rose ✨: stop using those emojis

screaming bitch : she does like those a lot

bullocks : she's wilding

bullocks : 🤠 yeehaw

bitchy y/n : who the fuck taught sandy that

carrot blanket : don't know, don't care

bitchy y/n : changing the nicknames idc either

bitchy y/n has changed rose ✨'s nickname to sunog sunog

bitchy y/n has changed screaming bitch's nickname to kalat paulson

bitchy y/n has changed carrot blanket's nickname to cate the gay

bitchy y/n has changed blunt bitch's nickname to the bri 

bitchy y/n has changed bullocks's nickname to grandma sandy

kalat paulson : what the actual fuck y/n

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