sketches (c. blanchett)

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Sitting on a chair in your favorite coffee shop, you opened your sketch pad and your phone, browsing until you found the photo you were looking for.

Since you were younger, you had always been a huge fan of actresses, not so much their male counterparts. That was probably one of the earlier warning signs that you were not heterosexual like your family was.

Starting with the outlines of Cate Blanchett's face, you lightly sketched it with your pencil, making sure to get the shape right, basing off the saved photo you had.

Just as you were going to begin carving out the details, you heard someone ask, "May I sit here? There aren't any more seats."

"Sure," you replied without glancing up. But something was familiar about the way that voice sounded. Twirling your pencil around in your hand, you looked at the woman seated across the table, and it was actually her.

Catherine Elise Blanchett, one of your all-time celebrity crushes, was seated at the same table as you, scrolling on her phone, while you were drawing her based off a photo.

Feeling your eyes on her, she looked up, and smiled, "Hi, I saw you were drawing something, may I ask what it is?"

Momentarily dumbstruck, you stumbled over the words, "I-uh, I was drawing you, based off a photo I found. Wow, holy shit, Cate Blanchett is sharing a table with me."

"Really?" she asked with a smile, "I'm flattered and also kinda sad that you recognized me. I was hoping for a quiet day today."

"I'm a huge fan of yours," you admitted shyly, twirling the pencil around in your hand, "Would it be alright if I drew you?"

Cate tilted her head quizzically, "Aren't you already doing that?" she asked, making you shake your head, "No, I meant like, you now, in front of me, so I have a memory of today. One of my long-time celebrity crushes is sitting in front of me. There is no fucking way I am letting this go by without a memento of the occasion."

Chuckling softly, Cate took a sip of her coffee, nodding to show her agreement. You flipped to a new page of your sketch pad and started to draw.

"So, are you an artist?" Cate inquired, sitting still enough to draw but not in an uncomfortable position.

"No, I am an English teacher," you replied, erasing a small mistake you had made, "I started copying photos of women I had crushes on when I was younger, and the hobby stuck. I used to suck at drawing faces, but the practice I got from drawing constantly helped me develop my skills."

"A teacher, huh?" she smiled, "What grade level do you teach?"

"I teach high schoolers, sometimes they move the grade level I'm teaching, but I am currently handling eighth grade," you answered, tying your hair back, "Enough about me, what about you? How has your eventful life been lately?"

Taking another sip of her coffee, she was quiet for a moment before speaking, "Well, it's very busy. Sometimes I just want to relax and take a break for a while."

"Don't we all. Speaking of busy, what's it like working with Lady Paulson?" you quipped, still tracing over the lighter pencil strokes with darker ones.

"Why do you ask? Also, it's kinda unfair you're turning the conversation towards my life, I didn't even get to ask your name yet."

"Well, Miss Catherine Elise Blanchett, my name is Y/N L/N. And I wanted to ask because I am a huge fan of you both, is that really so bad?"

Rolling her eyes, Cate picked up her phone and showed you a photo of the two of them posing together, "Happy now?"

"Very," you giggled, detailing her hair and clothes, "Growing up, I had a huge crush on you at some point. Then after a while Sarah joined my top 3 crushes. It's hard not to love you both when the crackhead energy is just spewing everywhere."

"I don't know if I should be flattered or offended, Miss Y/N," the older woman joked, sipping her drink.

With a laugh, you replied, "Honestly, I have come to accept that I am a crackhead, so I would only be offended if anyone called me anything else."

Cate started laughing, "You're a weird person to talk to, Y/N, and for some reason, I like it."

"I'm surprised I'm still conscious, actually. I always thought I'd pass out if I met you," you started going over your drawing again, adding the final touches it needed while you were speaking, "My sister said maybe if i did, you would have to carry me."

"I'm too old for that kind of physical activity, honey," she replied, still smiling, "I'll ask if Sarah would be up to the task, though."

"What the fuck, no!" you protested, "I don't need you telling Sarah motherfucking Paulson that I'm gay for her, it's bad enough already that you know. But then again, I'm just a passing face in your exciting life, you'd probably forget about me tomorrow."

Noticing the sudden sadness in your tone, Cate placed her hand on top of yours, "Dear, the only reason I'd forget you is my early on set dementia. You're one of the most fascinating people I have ever met. And honestly, I don't want to share you with Sarah because she'd just steal you away from me."

"Aw, Cate, don't make me blush," you said shyly, looking down at your drawing. Cate merely smiled, cupping your chin and making you look up at her, "Well, you look cute when you blush, dear. Like a cute, squishy, tomato."

"It was sweet for a second," you sighed, marking the date at the bottom of the page, "It's done, what do you think?"

Turning the sketch pad to face her, she couldn't help the look of amazement on her face, "Wow, this is amazing! I mean, I knew it would turn out great, but still, wow!"

"Anyway," you said, "it has been great meeting you, but sadly I have to go home and grade some papers. It was an amazing experience, thank you so much."

Cate took your hand as you were about to stand, "Wait, Y/N, can I get your number? I'd like to do this again, I mean, only if you're okay with it," she said shyly.

"I'd like that very much, Miss Blanchett."

"Then it's a date. Take care, dear."

wc : 1089

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