poke (e. blunt)

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prompt is in bold

Humming softly under your breath, you opened the hotel room door with the key Emily had given you, eager to see your best friend. Upon entering, you found her sprawled all over the bed, reading a script quietly.

You stifled a soft laugh and leaned against the wall without saying anything. The blonde had yet to notice your presence, and you were enjoying it.

"Hey, Em."

"Hm?" she didn't even glance up at you, still focused on her papers, "Hi."

Cue 30 seconds of clueless silence.

"Wait, Y/N? How'd you get in?"

"You gave me a fucking key, ma'am."

"Hm, oh yeah, I did, didn't I?"

"How did you forget?" you asked, still grinning.

"I'm busy right now. You can't blame me for being distracted."

You sat down next to her, laying your head on her back, "So, what are we doing today?"

"I am going to keep reading my script, and you," she replied nonchalantly, "can stay out of my way."

Scoffing, you turned so that your chin was resting on the small of her back and started prodding her sides, knowing full well that she was very ticklish.

"Y/N, please stop."

"I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention."

"What's that supposed to mean? Please stop, Y/N."

"It means, you have to give me a good reason I should."

"Because I said so, now just please, stop," she said, inching away from you, "I need to finish memorizing this."

"That's not good enough a reason, Miss Blunt," you replied with a sickly sweet smile, "You're just going to go back to ignoring me once I stop."

"What is it you want? Why are you doing this?"

"It's fun," you shrugged.

"That's not good enough a reason, Miss L/N," Emily yelped, crawling away from you, "Tell me why you won't stop torturing me."

"Because," you whined as you delivered a few finger jabs to her ribs, "I came here to hang out with my best friend, but she's completely and utterly ignoring me."

"Who said I was?"

"Clearly, you seem to be enjoying this, Em."

"I'm not!" she exclaimed.

"Then why won't you just agree to my terms?"

"What terms?"

"First," you enumerated, "you're gonna put that script away. Second, you're gonna cuddle me and we're going to do something together with no interruptions and distractions."

"What kind of terms are those?"

"Do you want me to stop or not?"

"Okay, okay, fine!" she yelped,  "I'm going to stop reading. Just, please stop poking me."

You grinned devilishly at her, kissing her cheek lightly, "I knew I could talk some sense into you."

"There was no talking, stupid. You were torturing me."

"I was talking to you, you chose to ignore me. Hence, the 'torture'," you replied, making air quotations as if to mock her.

"What did I do to deserve this?"

"You were ignoring me. Even when I came all this way to see you because I missed you."

"Fine, fine," she said with a dramatic eye roll, "I'm sorry I ignored you, what do you want to do now?"

"I want cuddles."

"You came all this way for cuddles?"

"Your cuddles are the best, Em," you stated simply.

"What makes you say that?"

"I have a natural sense for quality."

"As if."

Pretending you didn't hear her snarky response, you crawled into her arms with a childish grin. She rolled her eyes, but hugged you back anyway, and the two of you stayed there for a while, quietly enjoying each other's embrace.

"I'm hungry," you said, as if trying to ruin the sweet moment.

"You're always hungry."

"Yeah, I am, but do you have food?"

"Do I look like I have food?"

"You look like you're hiding something."

She laughed lightly, smoothing your hair, "Well, I hate to break it to you, but I don't have food. We can go out to get some, if you want, though."

"What do you want? Are you hungry?"

"I'm not super hungry, but I can eat."

"Can we order pizza?" you asked excitedly.

"Fine, but you're ordering."

"You always make me order anyway."

"Hey, you're the one who wanted to eat."

"You agreed with me!"

"Just order, then we can watch a movie," she said, trying to get on your good side, "I'll let you pick whatever."

"No conditions?"

"No conditions."

"'Kay, I'm gonna go order now."

Emily chuckled softly as she watched you running to the phone and placing the orders hurriedly to get to the movie already. It only took about five minutes before you were already setting up your laptop and playing X-Men : Apocalypse.

"Not your usual choice," she remarked with a smile.

"I wanna see the action sequences."

"The action sequences, or the pretty crush?"

Smiling shyly, you replied, "Maybe a bit of both."

"I knew it."

"Honestly, you act like you don't know anything about me."

"I know too much about you is the problem."

"Okay, ouch."

"Don't be silly, it just makes me love you even more."

"Aw, I love you too."

wc : 848

sorry for not updating yesterday, y'all be getting a double today !!

drop requests and whatever you think of what i wrote,, thanks to everyone still reading !

- mayesha 🤧

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