introvert (e. watson)

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au in which emma is your classmate in high school

You were a shy person. Everyone knew that. While your classmates would be out partying and having fun with friends, you would be reading a book or studying somewhere by yourself. Nobody really bothered you, and that was the way you liked it.

On a particularly cold rainy day, you sat in the library, wrapped in your warm hoodie, thumbing through your copy of 'Murder on the Orient Express'. The atmosphere was calm and peaceful, perfect for reading.

The place you were sitting was the floor in front of a shelf, hidden from prying eyes. Since you entered high school, it had been your sanctuary, a place to go when you wanted to be at peace.

Nobody had ever come to you there, so it was a huge surprise when Emma Watson, the most popular girl in the school, who also happened to be your classmate, came to your safe place.

The two of you stared at each other for a while, unsure of what to say, before she broke the silence, asking, "Can I sit here? Or would you rather be alone right now?"

"I-uh, sure, I-I guess you can stay here, but, uh, wouldn't you rather sit with your friends?" you said, stumbling over the words. She sat on the floor cross-legged in front of you before replying, "Certain people were being total jerks, so I felt I needed some quiet time."

"Well, uh, it's just me here, I don't think it gets more quiet than that," you said shyly. She smiled kindly, "Thanks a lot. I just really need to get away from everyone."

Pulling 'To Kill A Mockingbird' out of her bag, she started reading, making absolutely no noise. It was weird to have someone where you usually sat alone, even weirder to think that this girl was part of the drama club and was the cheerleading captain, someone who could pick anyone to hang out with, yet she chose you.

True, she said all she wanted was some peace and quiet, but looking at her, completely absorbed in her book, you felt something. You couldn't describe it, but it was something about her brown eyes and the freckles splashed across her face, just something about her made you feel things deep inside. Since the first year of high school, something had drawn you to her, and you couldn't help but develop a mild crush on the brunette in front of you.

"Are you alright, Y/N? I can feel your thoughts getting louder by the minute," Emma chuckled, her British accent prominent and very distracting, distracting enough that you were silent for about 10 seconds before you manage to stutter, "Uh, yeah, I-I'm good, just thinking."

"About what?" she inquired, now looking at you. Her eyes were so mesmerizing, you nearly forgot how to speak, "I-uh, I was thinking about why you'd suddenly decide to sit with me."

Stretching out her legs, she put the book down on her lap and focused her full attention on you, "Well, when we were in class, I couldn't help but notice you not really socializing with anyone. When I was walking by here the other day, looking for a book to read, I saw you and I just couldn't shake the need to talk to you at least once."

"I-I don't really think it's worth your time to talk to me, Emma," you mumbled shyly, "I'm the least interesting person in school."

"Are you kidding me?" she scoffed, rolling her eyes, "You're already more interesting than all those prats with the nerve to ask me out just so they can spend the night talking about themselves and their achievements, and you've barely said a word to me."

You couldn't help the smile that tugged at the corner of your mouth, "I'm just not used to people talking to me, I've grown used to being ignored."

"Well, Y/N," she said, brushing your hair away from your face, "you better get used to this, because I really need to see more of your pretty face now."

Upon hearing her words, you felt heat creeping up your neck and spreading across your cheeks, "Why would you want to hang out with me? You're literally the most popular girl in school."

Emma sighed, leaning against the shelf, "Well, I feel people only like hanging out with me because they want to be more popular, you know? And then there's you, someone I hadn't really noticed because you were so quiet. When I walked into the classroom once, you were literally just sitting there, unbothered, still reading. And what struck me was how pretty you were. Then I saw you reading here, and I knew it was my chance. It was a now-or-never kind of thing."

You blushed, refusing to accept that she was feeling the same way about you, "Thank you for the company, but I don't think you'd really wanted to talk to someone like me. We've been sitting here for a while, literally just reading, in complete and utter silence."

Rolling her eyes, Emma replied, "Are you really that oblivious, or are you just waiting for me to compliment you?"

"I just don't think someone as attractive and smart and talented as you should be hanging out with a wallflower like me," you mumbled, staring at your hands. Taking your hand, "Hey, Y/N, look at me," she commanded, which you did reluctantly.

"I like you, ok? I have for some time now. There's something about the quiet way you stay absorbed in whatever you're doing, and the way your hair is blown into your pretty face," she said, tucking a stray hair behind your ear, "It just took me a while to pluck up the guts to talk to you, but will you at least give me a chance to win you over?"

Smiling up at her, you replied, "I've liked you since first year, Emma. Of course you have a chance."

"Will you go out with me Friday then?"

"I'd be delighted to."

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