sleep drunk (l. miller + d. ocean)

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Early on into the heist, Lou and Debbie decided they needed someone else (apart from Tammy) with the sole job of being the mom and keeping tabs on everything going on.

It just so happened that you had been to Lou's club a few times and the two of you had struck up a conversation about all the things happening at the same time in her workplace.

So you had been recruited as the glorified secretary, checking that everyone managed to sleep, and get adequate food and water to keep them alive.

Normally, your job was already tiring enough, preparing packed lunches if the others were going out, and bugging them to sleep amid the busy planning. But as the date of the Met Gala drew nearer, they became a lot harder to convince, and you were the one struggling to stay awake while working.

It didn't help that you, Debbie and Lou had just started your relationship as a throuple. You had always suspected the two were together, and in all honesty had found them both very attractive, so when the two started paying more attention to you, of course you couldn't help but wonder what their motive was. Turns out, their relationship was real and they were willing to try new things, so when they both developed feelings for you, you were more than willing to reciprocate.

Stifling a yawn behind your hand, you checked the time, "10pm, they should head to sleep already, but they haven't even eaten," you grumbled, desperately fighting the strong urge to take a nap.

The other girls were going about the last minute preparations for the heist the next day, and impressed as you were with their stamina, your eyelids started to droop and your yawning grew more frequent.

"Guys, you need to eat already," you called out to the gang, who had just received their disguises and were running over the plan once more.

Ignored as always, you stood and walked over to the center of the room, where your girlfriends were talking, practicing Debbie's German for her cover.

"Do you guys have any plans to eat?" you asked complainingly. The two glanced at each other, then at you, before Debbie called out, "Alright, ladies, let's eat then get some sleep. Big day tomorrow."

The others stretched, making their way to the kitchen, leaving the three of you alone.

"What's up, love?" Lou asked, snaking her arm around your waist.

"Yeah, Y/N, you seem cranky today," Debbie interjected, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.

Groaning, you responded, "Because you guys are exhausting to take care of. I'm hungry and sleepy, very very sleepy," before yawning again, "You guys are lucky I love you, otherwise I would've eaten and gone to bed already, no fucks given."

"Aw, how lucky of us. Love you too, sweetheart," Debbie chuckled, kissing your forehead.

"Well, with that said, let's eat and send your kids to bed," Lou joked, taking your hand and pulling you to the kitchen.

The three of you sat at the table, eating the food you had prepared and talking.

By then, the yawning phase of your exhaustion had passed by and you were approaching the drunk phase. Your girlfriends noticed the absence of your yawns and how you seemed to be more lively now.

"Hey, Tammy," you called the blonde sitting one seat away from you, who responded, "What?"

"I have a heart on for you," you said before giggling uncontrollably.

"A what?" she asked, confused.

"Well, it's like a hard on, but with feelings. It's an affection erection."

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