flavor (e. blunt)

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"You missed a spot. Do you want to go back and try that again?"


"You just stepped on my heart and smashed most of it. Do you want to go back and try getting the part you missed?"

"I think you're being just a bit overdramatic, Y/N," Emily said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"No, I'm not!" you whined, "I can't believe you said that."

"I can say it again, if you want."

"No, I don't need what remains of my heart getting smashed to smithereens."

"Oh, you big baby. I'm going to say it again."

"Please no."

"Mint chocolate is the most disgusting flavor ever."

Placing your hands over your ears, you burrowed under the covers of the bed in her hotel room, trying to pretend you couldn't hear her. She laughed at your reaction and just yanked away the blanket, "C'mon, Y/N, let's just go get some ice cream."

"So you can insult my preferences some more? No, thank you," your reply came muffled through the mattress.

"No, silly, so you can prove me wrong."

"Why must you torture me like this?

"Hey," she chided, "that's not fair. I'm giving you a chance to prove that that flavor isn't as disgusting as I think it is."

You lifted your head up to look at her, "What are your terms of negotiation?"

"Okay, I'm going to buy both of us ice cream, from your place of choice, provided it's within the city. You are going to order my favorite flavor, and I am going to order yours. If we don't like it, the other person gets to eat the ice cream."

"Well, as much as I hate to admit it, you drive a hard bargain, Miss Blunt."

"So," she said, her hand outstretched, "do we have a deal?"

"I believe we do," you replied, shaking her hand.

"Now put some clothes on and let's go."

"I am wearing clothes."

"Oh, those are clothes? I thought you were wearing my curtains."


"You still love me."

"You're lucky I do."


"I cannot believe you dragged me all the way across town for Coldstone," Emily whined as you stepped out of the cab.

You threw a wink at her mischievously, opening the store's door to let her in, "Well, prepare to have your life changed."

"It better be changed. Otherwise, I am never making a deal with you ever again."

"Trust me, it will be. Now, what am I ordering?"

"I think," she replied, "you order the strawberry."

"Ew, strawberry? Really, Em?"

"Hey, I'm giving mint chocolate," she gagged slightly on the word, "a chance. You have to try strawberry."

"Fine, fine, now hand over the moolah so I can buy the ice cream," you chuckled softly, pinching her cheek.

She rolled her eyes and handed over some money, leaving to find you some seats by the glass wall nearest to the street, where you found her after buying the cold snacks.

"Here you go, mint chocolate," grinning, you placed the ice cream in front of her, "Have fun."

"What I would give to be eating that strawberry ice cream right now."

You spooned the soft pink dessert into your mouth with a mock look of pain, but in reality, strawberry was an okay flavor, you just wanted Emily to try one of your favorites. She didn't seem to be liking it, but she thought it was actually pretty good.

"So," she started, "what's the verdict?"

"It's okay, I guess. But I'm not the main event here. What's your standing on the mint?"

"In fairness, it's not all bad."

"Admit it, you like it."

"Maybe. Admit the strawberry's good first."

"Only if I can get a spoonful of your ice cream," you smirked.

"Fine, you big baby. Now hurry up."

With a huge grin, you stole a spoonful of the green ice cream, and savoring the minty taste on your tongue, the most mature idea in history popped into your head. Still smiling, you took a spoonful of the pink and pretended you were about to eat it, but then suddenly stuffed it into Emily's mouth.

"What," she said after swallowing, "the hell was that for?"

"You like strawberry, don't you?"

"Yes, I do, but why did you put that in my mouth?"

"Just so you wouldn't say this experience was all bad," you replied with a cheeky grin.

"It couldn't have been all bad, I'm with you, aren't I?"

"My, my, aren't we flirty today?"

She rolled her eyes, eating another spoonful, "I'm always flirty. You just choose to ignore it."

"So," you said, "you're still eating it, I presume you like it?"

"I'm going to admit I do, just to give you that satisfaction."

"Why didn't you think you'd like it?"

"Because it smells like your hair."

"That, is the oddest thing you've ever said. Which says a lot."

"You know how you hate some things for the weirdest reasons, well, yeah. That, and I don't like to eat toothpaste."

"I understand not wanting to eat toothpaste, but my hair? Really?"

"It's not my fault your hair is intoxicating."

"But why would that make you hate an innocent ice cream flavor?"

"I just want to get that particular scent from your freaking hair, that's how much I'm addicted to you."

"Awwww, I love you too, Em."

"Can I have some of that strawberry now?"

"Way to step on the moment, Miss Blunt."

"Oh shush, you already know I love you too."

wc : 916

hello i'm back with more gay,, hope y'all liked it !!

please drop whatever y'all wanna see, and what you thought of this chap !

- mayesha 🤧

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