photoshoot (e. blunt)

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au in which we don't know emily's relationship status, y'all can decide for yourself, but do let me know what you think 😉

It was a well known fact that you were a sucker for beautiful women. So when you got a job offer as a photographer for a movie studio, how could you say no?

Promotional shoots for Emily's new movie were scheduled to take place that afternoon, so you spent your lunchtime on the studio floor, eating your packed lunch and watching an episode of greenhouse academy on Netflix. You were so engrossed in heckling Hayley's life choices that you didn't notice the blonde walking in. Nor did you notice her sneaking up on you.

"Why the fuck would you choose Leo after all he put you through? You're so stupid, girl, then you wonder why you keep getting hurt?"

"And who is Leo, might I ask?"

"Holy fuck! What the hell?" you yelped, her hands suddenly on your shoulders.

She giggled, sitting next to you. "You were so busy, you didn't even notice me coming in."

"Well, I'm sorry I didn't notice someone sneaking in and deciding to scare the actual fuck out of me."

"I really don't think that many swear words are necessary."

"Well, they're my life choices, and I believe nearly suffering a heart attack would be a valid reason for profanity, now, wouldn't it?"

"Well, I'm really sorry I shocked you. I got here earlier than I was supposed to, and I wanted to talk to you before we did the shoot," she said with a shy expression on her face.

Scoffing, you shook your head, replying half-sarcastically, "Don't be. I'm very honored that you, Miss Emily Olivia Leah Blunt, wanted to talk to me, so upon seeing my unsuspecting ass, decided to sneak up and give me a heart attack, as if just seeing you wasn't enough cause for a seizure."

"I can't tell if you're joking or not."

"I can't tell if I'm joking or not."

Both of you stared at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter. Finishing up the last of your food, you packed away the container and stood. "So, Miss Blunt, do you want to do the shoot already? Or do you want to wait until lunchtime is technically over?"

"Well, I just want to talk to you. You seem very interesting."

"Interesting? Me?" you replied, now stretching, "I'm the least interesting person out there."

"You managed to cuss me out within the first 10 seconds of meeting me. I think that would qualify you as interesting," she said with a raised eyebrow.

"Not my fault my mouth goes into word vomit mode when I'm caught off-guard. Wait, have you like, reported to hair and makeup already?"

"Well, you're the photographer, so I was hoping you could help us out there. Another reason I wanted to talk to you."

You grabbed her hand and pulled her up, now kinda stressed. "Holy fuck, you should've started with that. Dani is gonna have my ass for this."

"Dani?" she asked, letting you lead her to the hair and makeup trailer, "Who's that?"

"I don't even wanna talk about her. You'll see her soon enough."

Throwing open the trailer door, you stepped in cautiously, trying to avoid eye contact, but to no avail. A brunette with violet contact lenses ran up to you with a fierce glare on her face, smacked you upside the head and started yelling at you, much to the amusement of everyone there.

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