comeback (s. bullock)

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(the music video they watch in the story is included up above, you can watch it if y'all want to)

"Almost, almost," you muttered, refreshing the page once more, "Yes! It's up!"

"Are you going to click on it already?" your sister, who was in a video call on your phone, asked from the other side of the planet.

"Yes! I can't wait, bro, I'm sorry."

"Fine, let's start, on three, one, two, three."

Clicking on the video, you started listening to Mamamoo's newest song, 'Wanna Be Myself', and took all the details of the commercial film in.

Normally, the two of you would be sharing a single device to watch the newest comebacks of your favorite artists, but since you had moved to New York, you had resorted to video calls and shared screeching over your biases.

"Oh my god, is that Wheein? She looks so much healthier," you stated rapidly, "And Solar, holy shirt, I'm gay."

"Holy shirt? What are you, thirteen?"

"Old habits die hard, sis. You still live with mom and dad, you can't exactly use profanities."

"Touché," Thea responded with a grin, "What do you think so far?"

"Well, Byul has my heart, and that's on period, wait, wait, Wheein's falsetto in the chorus? I gotta hear that again."

"We can rewind later, let's finish it first."

The song went on, and of course, it being Mamamoo, it was amazing as always, and neither of you said anything up until the bridge.

"Wait, we're getting VOCALIST BYUL?!?!?!" you screeched, "PAUSE THE VIDEO, WAIT!"

Your sister rolled her eyes but paused the music video anyway, letting you shriek and roll around on the bed, up until you nearly fell off.

"Hey, I thought I heard a cat getting strangled," Sandra said once she entered, "Hey, Thea, I'm guessing that was Y/N, wasn't it?"

"On point as always, Sandy," she laughed, "You wanna watch with us?"

"What are you guys watching?"

"Mamamoo's new comeback," you replied, butt in the air as your top half was still dangling off the bed, "And if remember correctly, you're not really a fan."

"I can't be a fan if I've never watched them," Sandra shrugged, "Let me see it, then."

"I swear, it feels like the two of you plotted all this to make fun of me."

Thea scoffed, rolling her eyes, "Don't feel so important, we make fun of you no matter what the context is."

"True," the brunette interjected with a smirk.

"Hello, you're literally my girlfriend, aren't you supposed to be on my side?"

"I'm still here, you know," your sister interrupted, "You don't need to rub it in that I'm single."

"Fuck off."

"I'm telling mom that you swore."

"Noooo," you protested, "why are you like this, you act like I'm not traveling all that way to see you in two weeks."

"I never said I wasn't looking forward to seeing you. Now, let's finish the video because I think Sandy wants you to educate her on the most phenomenal group in K-entertainment history."

"I've lost my freaking momentum," you grumbled, but you pressed play anyway.

"You gotta admit, Solar is hot," Thea stated, "That pink is just awesome."

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