umbrella (s. bullock)

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"Holy fuck," you mumbled under your breath. Your black backpack kept slipping off your shoulder as you tried to keep all your papers from spilling to the floor.

"Woah, woah, are you okay, Y/N?"

Looking over at the brunette who had sidled over to you, you nodded, "Yeah, I'm good, thanks, Brielle."

"You don't look so good. Long day?"

"Yeah. Three presentations and a few performance tasks, got one more class, then I can finally go home and sleep."

"Wow," Brielle whistled appreciatively, "No practice?"


"Lucky. I'm staying 'til 7 because we have to wrap up on the last bits of our speech choir."

"We finished ours yesterday. They decided to give us today off, and it would be a lie to say I don't really need the sleep."

"You look fucking exhausted, Y/N."

"I am."

"What's your last class?" the younger girl asked.

"I think I've got social sciences," you shrugged, "At this point, my body's on autopilot. I don't even know what the hell I'm doing anymore."

"Good luck, then, I've got health, and I haven't even studied for the quiz."

"Good luck to you too!" you called after her retreating figure, sighing once she was far from view.

You approached the classroom located on the third floor, out of breath the whole time. Hairs messily in your face, your papers struggled to escape your clutch as you slumped onto your desk.

"Long day?" your professor asked, an amused smile on her face.

"I guess you could say that."

"You're lucky you've finished your performance task already. I was going to give the time for finishing it for those who haven't submitted. Since you're done, then you're free to do whatever, provided you don't leave the room."

"Really?" you exclaimed, "Thank you so much!"

Sandra chuckled softly, "You worked hard, you've earned it."

"I'm so fucking tired."

"Language, missy."

"Sorry, ma'am."

"Stay awake long enough for me to explain last minute pointers for the exams, and then you can sleep."

"You're the best, Miss Bullock," you grinned at her, "This is why I love social sciences."

"Really? I thought it was because you actually enjoyed my class."

"Can't it be both? Not to mention the extremely gorgeous woman teaching."

"You are quite the smooth talker, Miss L/N."

"I try my best."


Sandra glanced over at the clock, 2 minutes until time, most students were organizing papers, typing, and working on their presentations, while you were dead asleep on your desk, drool dripping out from the corner of your mouth.

"Alright, class, that's time," she called out, "I'll be accepting submissions until the end of the week, get some rest, all of you."

Cheerily greeting her goodbye, your classmates all filed out, leaving you still passed out there. The brunette walked over to you and gently shook you awake, "Y/N, wake up."

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