jealous (g. steinem)

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prompt is in bold

"Gloriaaaaa," you whined at your girlfriend, who was still brushing her hair, "We're going to be late."

The brunette scoffed at you, putting on her signature aviator glasses, "You can't rush art, Y/N."

"Well," you could only giggle as you took her in your arms for a soft kiss, "you're already the most stunning woman I've ever seen. I don't think you need to put in any effort."

"Well, thank you for the compliment, but you're not the one making a public appearance."

"Can't you just accept that you are the most beautiful woman ever to grace the earth?"

"I beg to disagree, L/N."

"Just shut up and kiss me, Steinem."

She raised an eyebrow at you, but placed a soft kiss on your lips anyway before pulling away, "Now, let's go before we're actually late."

"Yes, ma'am," you replied, taking her hand and bag as you walked out of her apartment.


One of the things you admired about Gloria was her confidence to speak up about the things she believed in. That, with the added feature of her obvious beauty, was what attracted you to her. Never mind that everyone looked down on lesbians, you loved her and she loved you too.

Walking to the convention venue, your hand was in your pocket, because the temptation to hold hers was near impossible to resist. And she could tell. "Hang in there, Y/N. You can do it."

"Could I just hold your hand, please?" you begged, the thought of others seeing you far from your mind.

"As much as I'd love to say yes, you know we can't."

You sighed dramatically, but obeyed her anyway. Instead of moping, you focused your attention on things happening around you. You could see some guys gawking at your companion and shamelessly checking her out.

The fact that neither of you were publicly out was painful, but you didn't want her to have to give up her career just so you could be together. She was constantly assuring you that you were the only one she wanted, but it didn't lessen the jealousy and possessiveness that bubbled whenever you saw someone, especially men, looking at her like that.

Instinctively, you moved slightly closer to your girlfriend, who knew exactly what was going on and how to react.

"Y/N, honey, please calm down. You don't need to be jealous because someone's looking at me."

"I know, I know, I just-" you mumbled, taking a deep breath, "I just hate it. Don't you feel disrespected when people sexualize you?"

Gloria could only sigh because she knew you were right. "I hate it too, but we can't control other people, Y/N. We can only control what we do about it."

"Yeah, yeah, you're right. I'm sorry, I might be overreacting."

"Do you want to hold my hand?" she asked, offering her right hand to you, "You look like you need it right now."

Taking her hand in yours, you visibly relaxed and inside, the turmoil stopped. There was only you and Gloria in that moment, nothing else mattered.

There was a comfortable silence that fell on the two of you, just walking to the venue. Once you arrived, you dropped her hand, knowing that it was the right thing to do. She could see the sadness in your face, but all she could do was flash you a reassuring smile before saying hi to the other feminists.

Hanging around at the entrance, you observed the surroundings again, a subconscious habit of yours. You could see some guys staring at her again, and had to resist the temptation to bash their faces in.

Calm down, take deep breaths, you thought as you cracked your knuckles frustratedly. She beckoned for you to come over to their area, and you were grateful for the distraction.

"Gloria fucking Steinem," you mumbled, standing beside her.

"Okay, first of all, I called you over because I missed you and felt bad for leaving you alone, and that's the first thing you say? Ouch."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just that, ugh."

She took your hand and forced you to look into her eyes, "What? What happened?"

"Your cuteness is making everyone stare. Stop it."

"That wasn't what I expected," she said, letting a soft laugh escape her lips, "I thought you were going to say something like, you punched a guy or something."

"I'm not kidding, Gloria, it's like they're going to steal you away from me."

She rolled her eyes, "You're so overdramatic. Nobody, I repeat, nobody, can steal me away from you. I don't get why you're always so jealous."

"Well, maybe because they're always staring at you and I can't really tell them to back off because we're supposed to be a secret."

"Hey, hey, Y/N, look at me," she said, brushing a stray hair away from your face and cupping your cheek in her palm, "You know I love you, right?"

You nodded but didn't say anything, not trusting your mouth. "And you know that you are the most beautiful, fascinating, utterly amazing person I have ever met, right? And I may not be able to show the world that, but you just need to remember that I do."

"It's just hard, Gloria," you complained, "seeing other people flirting with you and not being able to do anything about it."

"Shhh, calm down." pulling you in a hug, she pecked soft kisses on your neck and your head, beyond caring who saw you, "I love you beyond words. You're the reason I'm fighting for this thing. So I can finally show the world exactly how much you mean to me."

"Could I ask a favor from you?" you asked, pulling away from the hug.

"What is it?"

"Can you punch those assholes for me?" you sniffed, "Just so they'll back off?"

She pressed a soft kiss to your forehead and took your hand in hers, "Only if you'll help me practice my right hook."

"Of course I will, oh, and also, stop being so cute so people will stop staring too."

"If I wasn't cute anymore, you'd dump me."

"Hell, no. My love for you goes all the way from the surface to what's deep down there. I love you, inside and out."

"I love you so much, Y/N."

"I love you so much more."

"We'll get through this. Together."

"I don't doubt it."

wc : 1066

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