I can't hide my connection with you

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Illumi sighs as he shuts the door, he sits on the bed and falls back. His long raven locks are spread across the white sheets of the bed, his closes his eyes as he relaxes his breathing a bit. It's been an long day and he wanted nothing more than to relax, he had recently just finished a mission and was on his way home.

But he had to stop once dawn hits he'll head home seeing if his father had another mission for him. The mission itself wasn't hard, the target was easy to track down and kill, the only thing was he found himself occupied with something else. In fact for a while now, you see he couldn't help but think of a certain magician. It's been like that for a year and half maybe, he didn't understand why thou.

When he was around him he felt odd, he would feel this warm feeling build up in his chest. He found himself enjoying his time with him and would miss his voice, touch, and looks. He couldn't help but think of those honey yellow eyes that he found himself get lost in, suddenly his phone rings. He snaps out of thought and pulls his phone out and saw he received a text.

From: Hisoka

To: illumi

Hey Bebe just checking if you're still alive~

He couldn't help but blush at the text, he didn't understand why. Why was he feeling this way towards the magician?, He's not supposed to feel, emotions, bonds they only hold you back. He was raised to be an emotionless puppet who's only purpose was to kill, he can't start feeling now. As he was lost in his thoughts the phone began to ring, he looks and sees it's the magician himself. He knew was wasn't going to stop till he answered him, he mentally prepared himself before he answers.

" It's about time you spoke dear~, you usually pick up on the first ring~ " he heard hisoka spoke. " I was busy talking to my father, what do you want hisoka? " He spoke in his emotionless tone. " Can't a friend simply check on his friend?~ " hisoka spoke, " assassin's don't have friends, we are simply acquaintances " he spoke. " Yeah, yeah. So how have you been dear?~ " he spoke ignoring his question.

" That dosen't concern you, are you finished now? " He spoke, " oh dear illu, will you ever change?~ " he spoke. " Shut up, I have to go I have to wake up early to head home and report to father " he spoke, " typical illumi, I wanted to make sure you're still breathing. I'll see you soon illu-chan, bye I miss you~ " he spoke. This caused the raven to tense up, he felt hear rush to his cheeks.

" Goodbye " he spoke quickly hanging up the phone, he didn't understand what was happening. Why was he feeling this way towards the magician and why now? He suddenly felt the urge to cough, he began to cough rapidly and he couldn't stop himself he felt as if something was stuck in the back of his throat. Finally he cough and was able to breathe but he looked at his hand, he was confused and a bit scared.

There in his hands were red roses petals and a bit of blood, he didn't understand. He dosen't Remember swallowing a rose, he then felt his cough come back. He looks back at his hand, he coughed up more rose petals and blood, he was beginning to get more concerned at this point.

He got up to throw the rose petals away and wash his hands, he grabbed his phone searching for a answer. As soon as he typed it he saw something making him freeze a bit.

Hanahaki Disease

The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from unrequited love, where the patient’s throat will fill up with flower, they will then proceed to throw, and cough up the petals, (sometimes even the flowers). One of the only ways for the disease to ‘disappear’ is if, the said person returns the feeling (it can’t be resolved with friendship, it has to be genuine feelings of love). The infection can also be removed through surgery, though the feelings disappear along with the petals. If they choose nether options, or the feeling is not returned in time, then the patient’s lungs will fill up with flowers, and will eventually suffocate.
There is no specific flower for the disease, but it’ll either be the crushes favourite type of flower, or their favourite colour. We can only hope for the patients, and pray that the crushes favourite flower isn’t a type of rose.

This caused the raven to freeze, he was in love with someone but who? He went to look up the definition of love but romantic love to get a better understanding on it, he didn't know what to think or say.


strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties maternal love for a child. (2) : attraction based on sexual desire : affection and tenderness felt by lovers After all these years, they are still very much in love.

He was still confused this didn't help him at all, so he simply searched up how to know you're in love with someone romantically? He clicked the first article and read it reading the thirteenth signs saying you're in love. He read the whole thing and got a better understanding of it, so he began to think and quickly figured it out. It was hisoka, he felt strange around him, was always thinking of him and so on.

He was shocked he has fallen for the magician, as soon as he figured that out he was frozen. He felt his vision get blurry, his throat felt dry and it was starting to hurt, he felt something drip down his cheeks. He touched his cheek and felt it was water, he was crying. He didn't understand why was he crying?, Was it because knowing he fell for hisoka and had this disease means hisoka would never love him back romantically?

As he through that a huge wave of sadness overtook him, he couldn't control himself he felt the tears continue to drip down his cheeks. He bit his lips which were trembling to not let out his sobs, his phone rang. He reaches a shaky hand out, he turns on the screen seeing he got a text.

From: Hisoka

To: illumi

Hope you sleep well love, hope to see you soon~

He couldn't take it and let out a loud sob, he throws his phone against the wall. He collapsed on the bed, he grips his shirt letting out his saddens coughing a bit, only thinking one thing. ' I fell for hisoka morrow, I feel for the magician. But he dosen't love me, he doesn't love me '.

I fell in love with the devil
And now I'm in trouble
I fell in love with the devil
I'm underneath his spell

I feel in love with the devil~ Avril Lavigne


Word count: 1182

Lies make you weak and that's why you can't sleepWhere stories live. Discover now