On the forgotten melancholy hill rain keeps falling

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It was the next day, illumi woke up early coughing up rose petals and blood, he stayed by the sink for what felt like hours which only was like thirty minutes. He brushes his teeth, he sat by the table by the window, he pulls out his laptop and began to do some searching around for Kizume. It was quiet, he glances over at Hisoka, seeing him sleeping peacefully.

He slept on his stomach, his arms under the pillow, the rays of the sunset were shinny on his face, he had his hair down. Illumi blushes as he looked so hot, oh how he yearned to go up to him, so he can run his slim fingers through his red locks. To be in his arms, as they wrapped around his thin waist, as his head was on his chest, listing to his soothing heartbeat. He shakes his head, he didn't have time to get lost in his daydreams.

He started up his laptop, he began to look through the dark web, looking for any clues and leads to find Kizume or anything involving his bodyguards. He was too busy reading something on the screen he didn't notice a certain magician sneaking upon him, he gasped as he felt two arms wrap around his waist from behind, " did I scare you?~ " a familiar voice spoke.

He looks behind him seeing Hisoka staring at him, with a small smirk across his face, " I told you to stop doing that " he spoke acting as he didn't care. " hmm~, but where's the fun in that?~ " he spoke chuckling, " what are you doing up so early anyway? " he spoke looking back at the screen. " I don't know~, why are you up so early?~ " the magician spoke, tightening his grip around his waist. " doing a bit of research, if you forget I'm on a mission " he spoke, trying his best to remain calm.

" of course i remeber~ " he spoke, " then don't ask stupid questions " he spoke, counting to reading what's on his screen. " so mean~, well I'm off to take a shower~, care to join?~ " he spoke in a seductive tone. " no thank you, I hope you drown " he spoke. He lets go of his waist, he hears his footsteps walk towards the restroom, the sound of the door closing is heard. He burns his blushing face in his hands, ' what the fuck his problem?!, one more second and I would have blown my cover! ' he thought. He took deep breathes to calm himself down, once he's calm he continues to do his research. About twenty minutes pass, the sound of the door opening caught his attention, he went to turn around, " Took you long enough prin-ah! " he spoke looking away blushing.

" what's the matter Illumi?~ " he spoke in his usual flirty tone, ' he called me by my name, what's he planning?! ' he thought feeling his face get redder. " why are naked?! " he yells, "I like to airdry~, plus I forgot my towel~ " he spoke chuckling. " lier! the towels are in the restroom " he spoke. "I can never fool you, can i?~ " he spoke. " put some clothes on, or get back in the restroom " he spoke feeling his eyes on him. " hmm I don't feel like it~ " the magician spoke, he groans as he just doesn't look back and looks at the screen.

He hears footsteps, he feels the chair he's in spin, he soon faces to face with the magician. " oh god Hisoka! " he spoke covering his eyes, he was starting to feel the urge to cough. " don't do that~, I want to see those pretty eyes of yours~ " Hisoka spoke. He moves his hands down, he looks into his yellow orbs as he feels a blush across his face. " Hisoka what are you doing? " he spoke, trying to his best to keep on his mask which was quickly breaking. " you look so cute blushing like this~ " he spoke, he pulls his legs closer so they were on either side of his hips.

" Stop playing around, I don't got time for this " he spoke going to push him away, he grabbed both of his wrists in his right hand, he pulls him close, both of there faces inches apart. " now why would I do that?~ " he spoke. He could feel his heart beating so fast, it felt like it was jumping out of his chest, he could feel his body getting hot. He leans close soon his lips touched his, his eyes widen, he's frozen he didn't know what to do. The magician noticed, he rubs his hips a bit, soon he shyly kissed him back not knowing what to do. Hisoka smirks, the kiss was slow at first but soon got fast and passionate. He licks his lower lips asking for entrance, he shyly opens his mouth allowing him to dominate the kiss.

His tongue roamed all around his mouth, roaming every spot not leaving a single place untouched. He bucks his hips as he gasped, feeling his erection press against his cloth behind, they soon pull away for air. He pants as he soon looks up at him, seeing his eyes full of lust, he gulps a bit. " you're so cute~ " he spoke, he was panicking, he had to stop this, even though he wasn't against having intercourse with him, but he couldn't if he did, the disease would get worse.

Hisoka was leaning close, before he can kiss his lips there's a knock on the door. " who is it?~ " Hisoka spoke. " we're all going to get breakfast, so you guys better be ready in five minutes " Killua spoke. He looks towards the door and back at illumi, " alright~ " he spoke as the sounds of Killua's footsteps fade into the distance. " just when the fun was about to begin~, let's continue some other time~ " he spoke kissing him once again. He pulls away and grabbed his bag and walks into the bathroom, Illumi sat there shocked, he placed two fingers against his lips. He couldn't wrap his head around what just happened, he was still shocked.

Can you feel my heart?, can you hear the silence?

Can you see the dark?

Can you fix the broken?

Can you feel, can you feel my heart?

Can you feel my heart? ~ Bring me to horizon


Word Count: 1116

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