Would it be easier to live without tears?

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Illumi reaches for a couple of needles, he noticed he was running low on needles so he had to finish this quick, he looks around forming a plan, Shiru went first to attack. Illumi moves to the right throwing himself as he threw his needles at him, as Hisoka through a handful of cards at Jinxz so he wouldn't be able to interfere. Illumi rushed over getting ready to attack him, as Killua and Gon went to attack him from behind. Leorio and Kurapika went to help Hisoka as much as they could, Illumi began throwing punches and kicks, making sure not to hit Gon and Killua.

" Just because you got your little friends to help you doesn't mean you'll win against us " Shiru spoke, Illumi quickly kicked him back as he flew back. Killua kicks him in the back, sending him flying. Illumi quickly grabs four needles throwing them at him. As he was soon pinned against the wall, Jinxz noticed but couldn't do much as he was against the other three. Illumi calmly walks up to him, " You honestly think you won, ha in your dreams! " Shiru spoke. " Hmm sure, but this is the end of the line for you, any last words? " Illumi spoke pulling out a needle.

" Rot in hell, you're no match against us! never was and never will cause you're our little toy! " Shiru yells as he laughs like a maniac, Illumi grinds his teeth. He throws the pin right in his forehead as he lets out a blood-curdling scream, but soon was quiet and looked brain dead. Illumi walked up to him removing the pins from his clothes, " Oh how the tables have turn~, Looks like Illumi is in charge now~ " Hisoka spoke as Illumi looks at Shiru. " Kill Jinxz " Illumi spoke, as Shiru rushed forward to attack him, Jinxz moves back. " This is one of your abilities no?~, being able to control someone till it's too much causing them to die. How interesting to see it in person " Jinxz spoke.

Illumi stayed silent as he walks towards him, he pulls out more needles, he released a bit of blood lust. " As I stated I'm not that same boy from before, the same boy you used and abused all three of you, I've already killed two of you. You're the only one left, so let's end this " Illumi spoke. As the atmosphere between the two, " Very well, let's see if you can beat him, let's take this to the death " Jinxz spoke looking him in the eyes. " Very well, now let's do this " Illumi spoke, as he commands Shiru to attacks him, as he rushed forward, he pushed Shiru away as he rushed punching Illumi.

Illumi allows his fist to meet his cheek, as he kicks him in the gut causing him to fly back, allowing Shiru to kick him back towards Illumi. Who threw needles at him, he dodges a couple of them, but a little of them cut him, causing him to hiss. Jinxz threw a couple back which Illumi easily dodges, " Looks like this will be harder than I thought " Jinxz spoke, looking at Illumi, who stood there. The others watched, seeing Illumi having the upper hand right now, not knowing what to expect.

" After all these years, I see you haven't changed, still thinking you're stronger and thinking I'll submit to you like back then. But times are different now, I will be the one who has the upper hand, not you. I'll never forgive you three for what you did " Illumi spoke. " You beat me?, don't make me laugh " Jinxz spoke laughing a bit. Illumi throws a needle at him, hitting him in the arm, Jinxz quickly pulls it out, " By the end of this fight you'll be beneath me, watching as I killed your precious brother and friends. I can only imagine the look on your face " Jinxz spoke.

Illumi didn't waste much time, he began to attack with everything he had, he fought through the burning pain in his chest and throat, pushing back those thorns and petals. He had to win, he will not loose, never again. Illumi was panting his body hurting, he pulls out his last handful of pins, he had to make these last, he had to. " What's wrong Illumi?~, Don't tell me you're tired already~ " Illumi was thinking not knowing what to do, Shiru had long been killed by Jinxz, who pulled out the needle causing him to fall like that.

Illumi knew what he had to do, he only hoped it worked, he stands up looking at him. He glances over at the others who looked worried, he takes a deep breath, as he looks at him, he rushed forward, Jinxz rushed too he through his needles at him, as Jinxz kicked him back. As Illumi expected he kicks him back, before Jinxz saw it Illumi pulled out four more pins, as he pins him against the cement wall, he tries to get up but can't. " It's over Jinxz " Illumi spoke, he picks up three pins on the ground, as he stood in front of him. " I told you, that I would win " Illumi spoke.

" You only got lucky! I can't lose especially to someone like you! a- " Jinxz cut off, " Go on say it a fuck toy, your punching bag, your toy? That was before, I've grown and I'll never be that boy again, I'm not that six year old who cowered away as you three tormented me for years, it ends now! " Illumi spoke. " I'll finally get my revenge on you guys, I'll finally give you what you guys deserve, for all those innocent children you guys hurt, I'll finally give them justice, the justice they deserve, any last words? " Illumi spoke.

" You'll never get away with this! even in death, you'll always belong to us no one else! YOU HEAR ME!!, YOU BI- " Jinxz gets cut off as Illumi through the pins at him, getting the poison to fill his bloodstreams as he screamed, as it was too much but after two minutes he fell limp, Illumi looking at him, as it was finally over, he killed him. 

Hijacked when you weren't looking

Behind your back people are talking

Using words that cut your down to size

You want to fight back

You're out in the open

You're under attack

But your spirit's now broken

You know it's worth fighting for 

Unbreakable heart~ By Three Days Grace 


Word Count: 1126

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