No denying I am scared to lose the things I love

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Soon they arrive in Yorknew, all of them were worried for Illumi after he woke from his nap. He didn't come back till they arrived, his eyes looked duller than usual. He was quiet, none of them didn't know what to do. " Anki you sure you're okay? " Killua spoke, ' no I'm not I'm scared, I'm dying. I-i know I've done terrible things but-. Please don't leave me, i-i just want to be loved ' he thought feeling tears trying to spill out of his eyes.

"I'm fine " he spoke trying to convince himself he's fine not them, before anyone else can speak he began to cough again. He leans against a wall for support, " Illumi?! " they screamed, he just coughed, feeling tears drip down his cheeks. Hisoka held him by his waist, to help him stay up. After two minutes he stops, he wipes with the back of his mouth. " I'm fine " he spoke pushing Hisoka away.

" but- " Gon was then cut off, ' we should focus on finding Kizume, my health isn't important right now ' Illumi cuts him off. " we'll split into groups of two like last time, we'll meet in the center of Yorknew at three PM exact " Illumi spoke. They didn't want to argue, they all nod their heads and split up.


They searched large and wide, not finding any trace of Kizume anywhere, Illumi was a bit annoyed. He couldn't think straight, his mind was buzzy with thoughts. Of Kazmo and the other two, of his rough childhood, the ugly voices arguing in his head, he was a mess. He about ready to give up, he didn't think he could go on much longer.

" Illumi! " Hisoka yells, he snaps out of his thoughts and looks over at the said man. " we're here, jeez what's with you? you've been like this all day, you sure you're okay? " the magician spoke. He looks around and sees there in front of the hotel they're staying at, he looks down and saw he was holding a bag of takeout.

' oh yeah, we went out to get dinner ' he thought, " I'm fine " he spoke before he can say anything he walks into the building. As they neared their room, something didn't feel right, he runs to there room. They had rented a two queen with a couch bedroom, he runs and sees the door was busted open, he drops the bag.

He ran into the room to see Leorio and Kurapika were on the floor, beaten, Killua nor Gon were insight. " Leorio, Kurapika?! What happened?! " Hisoka spoke as he ran up to help Kurapika up. " where's Gon and Killua? " Illumi spoke. " some guys they busted in, we tried our best to fight them off. They took Gon and Killua, we tried, we're sorry " Leorio spoke. Illumi was frozen, they took Killua, they took his brother.

His phone rang, he pulls it out and saw he got a message from an unknown number. 

                                   If you want them, come find me~


The message read with a picture of Gon and Killua tied up, Illumi blood went cold, they got him. His worst fear has come true, those men, the same men who have tormented him his whole childhood had taken Killua. 

Can we live a life of peace and happiness?

I don't think so.

You fight me~ Breaking Benjamin 


Word Count: 589

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