A flower resembles you blossomed in this garden of loneliness

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Once far enough hisoka let killua go, " WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HIM?!, HE'S GOING TO GET HIMSELF KILLED BECAUSE OF YOU!! " killua yells angry. " Killua calm down, weren't you the one wishing he would die? " Kurapika spoke. " Yeah but I never meant it, I may him but he's still family sadly " killua spoke.

" Why didn't you step in hisoka, all we know he's walking right into his death wish " leorio spoke. " It's a pity you don't have trust in me~ " he spoke, " MY BROTHER GOING TO DIE BECAUSE OF YOU!! " killua yells. " You speak like you don't know him, relax he's not going to die " he spoke as he reaches for something inside of his pocket, causing the four to look at him confused.

He pulls out a little remote thing that has a little screen on it, " what is that? " Gon spoke. " When illumi came to say goodbye, he told me he planted a tracking device on himself and snuck this controller in my pocket when I was busy. Once far enough he told me to follow him, you're brother knows what he's doing. So let's put our faith in him, our job is to rescue him that's all~ " hisoka spoke.

" Oh my God, killua your brother a fucken genius " leorio spoke, " yeah, guess I under estimated him. I kinda got caught up in the moment " killua spoke. " Yes, I'm going to sound like him but you can't let your emotions control you. For the meantime let's just follow him and try not to feel like anything " kurapika spoke.

" Right, hisoka lead the way " killua spoke, " hmm, don't mind if I do~ " he spoke as he looks at the screen and walks in the direction it pointed him in.


" FUCKEN SPOILED BRAT!! " The man yells as he kicks illumi in the gut, causing him to gasp and cough a bit. " That's enough, leave I'd like to speak to the boy by myself " Kizume spoke, the man nods and walks out, " to think the great illumi would be beneath me, so weak and useless right now. It's quite funny " he spoke as he gripped his chin and made him look up at him.

" You seem so confident, yet you have no idea who I am " illumi spoke in his monotone voice, " please you've being restraint with chains not allowing you to use nen, and I've injected with something to make you feel weak. You can't do anything but take my beating " he spoke. " Hmm sure " he spoke as if mocking him, he kicks him in the gut again, " you'll regret those words~ " Kizume spoke smiling evily.


" Well this is the place~ " hisoka spoke as they neared a abounded building in the middle of nowhere, " alright, all we need to do is stay low and sneak in " killua spoke. " Yeah, everybody stay close " kurapika spoke as they all began to walk towards the building. They hid behind a wall, they quickly got past the guards in the front as they were talking about nonsense.

" Huh that was easy ' gon spoke, " yes now let's- " before kurapika could continue they heard footsteps. " Shit, hide! " Leorio spoke, all ran into the closes room which was thankfully locked, and waited till they heard whoever it was pass, " that was a close one " killua spoke. " Yes it was " hisoka spoke, " alright let's go search for illumi " kurapika spoke.

" Someone's coming, hide! " Leorio spoke, all look around, they all hid behind the plastic cover furniture they had in the room. The door was kicked open, and the sound of something was thrown on the floor and the sound of what sounded like a bone crack was heard. " This room will do, we'll keep you in here. It's the cleanest room we have, hopefully you'll enjoy your stay here~ " Kizume spoke.

" Fuck you " came a blunt emotionless voice speak, all peak out where they hiding and saw illumi. He looked beaten up and had his hands tied behind his back by chains, this pissed of Kizume and he kicks him in the gut causing him to groan. " Laugh all you want, I'll break you to the point where you'll be begging me to kill you " Kizume spoke. " I'd like to see you try " illumi spoke, " keep an eye on him, I have business attention to. You may hurt him or do whatever you want to him. Just don't kill him, I want to play with him a bit longer~ " he spoke walking out of the room.

The others look at him glad that he's still alive, they just need to find a way to get him without causing a scene. " What the hell are you staring at creep? " Illumi spoke to the man. " If I were you that would be the least of my worry, you won't last long. Boss always enjoy breaking stubborn guys like you the most " the man spoke. " Your boss can suck my dick " illumi spoke, all were pretty surprised by the way illumi was talking and the way he was acting.

This caused the man to get angry, he kick him. He leans down and grips his throat, " you won't be saying that for long " the man spoke. " Oh yeah?, What do you plan to do to change my mind then? " Illumi spoke looking up at him, the man looks him up and down and smirks a bit. " Why don't we have a bit fun, just the two of us?~ " he spoke as he ran his other hand down to his abdomen pulling his pants down a bit to see his boxers.

" Getting horny are we?~, this was your motive from the start? This is why you asked to watch me, you fucken sick pervert " illumi spoke. " Hmm perhaps, if you stay still I promise I won't be too rough " he spoke as his hand on his throat tighten as his other hand made it's way underneath his shirt. Illumi squirms and tries to kick him, he leans close and kisses him, he bite his tounge and hard.

This caused the man to groan and tighten his hand around his throat, " you'll regret that you little bitch " the man spoke. But before his hand can go further the guy suddenly gasp and fell on too of him, illumi looks and saw four cards sticking out of his back. " Took you long enough, I thought you actually fucked it up " illumi spoke looking up seeing hisoka and the others appear from behind the furniture.

" My apologies~ " hisoka spoke, killua ran forward he pushes the guy off of illumi. " Are you okay? " He spoke, " I'm fine, they just injected me with something to make me feel weak. They also have me tied with some chain not allowing me to use nen " he Spoke as he sat up. He groans as they kicked him multiple times in the gut, " hold still, I'll help you " killua spoke.

He soon breaks the lock, illumi rubs his wrists a bit, " thanks, let's get out of here before they notice " illumi spoke as he got up. Everything fucken hurt, but he'll take care of that later, " right, can you move properly? " Kurapika spoke. " My body sore from the beating but I've been worse " he spoke as he looks at them. " Hisoka carry him, we can't take the chance " kurapika spoke.

" Huh?, I said I'm fine " he spoke, hisoka walks over to him and picks him up bridal style. " Hold on illu dear~ " he spoke, they soon sneak out a broken window and began to head back to camp. Illumi simply stated quiet and let hisoka carry him, even though he could still walk, he relaxed a bit in his hold. He knows he shouldn't get too attached, the more he did the worse the illness got but he couldn't help it, the magician had him wrapped around his fingers without even knowing it. 

Who will fix me now?
Dive in when I'm down?
Save me from myself
Don't let me drown
Who will make me fight?
Drag me out alive?
Save me from myself
Don't let me drown

Drown~ bring me to horizon


Word count: 1356

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