Tell me that I'm gonna be fine and there's nothing left to fear

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It was the day, illumi was up extra early. He woke up to coughing up what felt like gallons of rose petals and blood, he knew it was getting worse each day. But he's been through worse, he'll just have to suck it up and continue like nothing, if anything he'll just say he had a cough.

He looked out the window looking at the sunrise, he look out wondering what hisoka was doing. Was he safe?, He hated the magician for causing him this pain but at the same time he's glad he did. He grabs his bag, he walks out of the hotel room heading to the bar to meet up with hisoka.


He was leaning against the wall on the outside of the bar, he had his arms crossed. He was busy in thoughts wondering do much, would hisoka find out? If he found out would he be disgusted in him?, How long was it going to take this disease to kill him? Would he complete this mission? Or would his father kill him?

His head was starting to hurt, those familiar voices of his demons came back. Speaking such hurtful things he couldn't help but hear and think they were right, he felt someone touch his shoulder. He grabs the person hands and push them against the wall and points a pin close to there throat. " Are you that excited to see me?~ " he hears a familiar voice speak.

He soon realized he had hisoka pushed up against the wall, he realized how close they were. He blushes a bit and backs up, " idiot, how many times have I told you not to sneak up on me " he spoke in a emotionless tone. " Sorry, it was just so tempting~ " he spoke. " Whatever, let's ju- " before he can continue he began to cough, he placed his hands over his mouth.

Once he was done he looks up at the magician, blood dripping down his lips. " Are you okay there illu dear?~ " he spoke. " I'm fine, I just got injected with a posion on my last mission, this won't last long. I'll only be coughing blood up for a while " he spoke, " how long?~ " the magician spoke.

" Depends it can be days even hours, dosen't matter let's just head out. What don't tell me your worried about me? " Illumi spoke. " Of course not, I just don't want you dying on me. You still have to kill me, Remember~ " hisoka spoke. " I wish I could forget " he spoke, " here " hisoka spoke handing him a napkin. " Clean your hands up, feel free to keep it~ " he spoke winking at him.

He blushes a bit, he takes the napkin and cleans his hands, he throws it away. " Let's get going, we have a lot of work to do " he spoke walking ahead of him, hisoka smiles and follows the raven. ' that was close, thank God hisoka bought that lie. But he's smart and eventually catch on, I'll just have to finish this mission as quick as possible. After this I'll never see or talk to hisoka ever again, it's too risky. Hopefully he won't get you mad,but this is for him. Who knows how he'd react to me falling in love with him ' he thought.

He glances over at him as he sees him pop a piece of bubblegum in his mouth, ' I just don't want to hurt you anymore, I won't allow it. I'll kill anyone who hurts you, I'd rather die than hurt you anymore. I promise I'll protect you no matter what, because I love you ' he through as he frowns a bit.

He felt a sorrow feeling fill his heart, a sharp pain almost like a needle stab his heart. He knew the magician never love him, proven by the situation he's in but he didn't care. As long as he's able to stand by his side as a friend, that's all that matters to him.

Forget this life
Come with me
Don't look back you're safe now
Unlock your heart
Drop your guard
No one's left to stop you now

Anywhere~ Evanescence


Word count: 694

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