Chapter 6

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I laughed so hard at his different celebrity impressions, people stared at our table with annoyed expressions. Apparently, we were being too loud. But i couldn't help it. He was being extremely funny or maybe I'm just in a great mode today but I haven't laughed this hard in so long. It feels good.

"You laugh is kinda cute." He said with a sweet smile on his face.

The smile from my face dropped. Dexter used to say the same thing. He loved making me laugh. Until he didn't.

"Was that a weird thing to say?" He asked, straightening up. "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to hit on you. I actually have a girlfriend thingy. It's just that your laugh is actually cu-"

I laughed again. "No, that's just something that my husband used to say."

"Oh." He said. "Used to?"

"Long story." I said, not wanting to talk about it. "What does girlfriend thingy mean?"

"Oh that." He suddenly looked embarrassed. "It's just the term I use to describe the woman I'm dating."

I took a sip of my milkshake. "You know," i said. "Some people use the words girlfriend or significant other."

He smiled. "It's not like that."

"Than what is it like?"

"Long story." He said, mimicking my words back to me.

I sighed, curiosity making it's way into my body. "I'll tell you if you tell me."

He smirked. "You first."

"Fine." I took a deep breath. "I got married straight out of high school."

"Wow... That's fast." He said.

"Yeah, everybody thought so too." I said. "It didn't last long though. We spilt up a couple months back. 4.5 years of marriage, down the drain." I said with a sadistic smile.

"I'm sorry."

I scrunched up my nose. "don't say that. I'm tired of hearing it." I said and took another sip of my milkshake. "Your turn. Tell me about this girlfriend thingy."

"Ashley and I have been off again on again too many times since college." He said.

"So someone who you date on and off is called girlfriend thingy?" I asked.

"No, that's a fuck buddy."

I chuckled. "okay."

"A girlfriend thingy is someone you like but can't date because you already have dated them and you've realised countless times that it doesn't work so you just meet up once a week to sleep together and sometimes get breakfast together to remind yourself why you're not dating her." He explained with a frown on his face.

"Wow." I said, genuinely amazed. "I never had someone like that. A boyfriend thingy."

He chuckled. "Of course you didn't, you got married out of high school."

"yeah i was so stupid." I smiled. "So what? You're in love with that Ashley figure and can't be with her because it doesn't work?

"In love?" He chuckled. "Dial it back, woman. I don't love her. It's mainly physical attraction."

"If it's merely physical attraction then why do you like her?" I asked.

"I don't like her, just the idea of her in my head which she'll never be. It's mostly that I don't like sleeping with a person and not hanging out with them." He stated.

I nodded, frowning. "That's not how my sister told me men are wired."

He chuckled. "Not all men are objectifying, misogynistic patriarchs, lennie. There are some of us who are slightly better."

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