Chapter 6

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⚪️Why Don't We Go There⚪️

September 2, 2019

Two days, two days has passed since Minho and I almost had sex.
It wasn't awkward or anything, we still hung out most of the day, honestly we were a lot more affectionate towards each other now.

"We should go out today, all of us." He said, we were laying in his bed because 3RACHA took over mine. "Let's do it." I smiled sitting up him doing the same. "I don't want you to leave though." He pouts pulling me to his chest. "How are we gonna go anywhere then?" I tried shimmying myself from him, "Noo~" "Lino Minho, come on, at this rate we won't do anything!" He sighed releasing my body allowing me to get up but grabbed my hand. "You'll take too long getting done." Minho whines standing too. "It will take even longer to gather everyone." We walk to the door but he wouldn't let go of my hand, "Kiss?" He taps his cheek with a soft smile.
He pulled these types of thing all the time it was cute. I leaned in towards his face planting my lips on his cheek, "Can I go now? You still have to get the other half." My face started heating up knowing he still had that smile on his lips, "Okay. See you in 10."

I knocked on my door hearing a track being played from the other side. Opening and quickly shutting the door, I grabbed some clothes and did my makeup in the bathroom. Coming out I placed my clothes in my basket heading to my shoes.
"All of us are going out. You guys can't been cooped up in my room all day, let's get some fresh air and clear mindsets."

Minho sat on the couch scrolling on his phone waiting for everyone's arrival. He heard a set of footsteps coming his way so he look up and there she was. A smile formed seeing her simple outfit, "Did you get them?" She nodded, "Now we wait." He held her hand intertwining them.

We walked to the small playground seeing the boys run to the swings and jungle gym. Y/n and I were a little ways behind swinging our hands. "This is nice, a smart idea to say the least." She squeezed my hand moving closer to my side.
The cool breeze brushed against our faces making us shield away from the direction. "Y/n I'm challenging you!" Changbin informally yelled from the swing set. "If it's height I already won." We caught up him, "No it's not about height," he rolls his eyes, "you aren't even that much taller than me, it's like a centimeter!" "That still counts!"

I watched Y/n and Changbin from the bench, they were quite loud. "Should we break that up?" Chan sat next to me listening to the bickering rappers. "Nah, they'll settle it soon." I said, "Chan!" Y/n shouts making him laugh, "Guess that's my cue. You coming?"

"What's wrong?" Chan's arms wrapped on their shoulders. "Changbin is." She points, "I am not!" "Do you wanna go?!" Y/n stops and stares at him. "You're lucky he's holding me back!" Chan places a single finger on her shoulder just barely touching.
"What? I can't hear from up here." Changbin laughs running away, "We aren't done! Seungmin grab him." Her eyes followed the running boy not know a certain someone coming from behind her.

"Kids these days am I right?" I said to Chan, "You two are the same age." He shakes his head, "I'm older by... a month," My body became tense, "I don't know who you are but I can sense you and won't hesitate to throw hands."
It wasn't Jisung because he was next to Chan, but the look in his eyes told me who. "Spare me then." Minho said wrapping his arms around my waist. "Don't! He was trying to make friends with Changbin just a second ago." Felix yells from the slide, "Traitor." Minho released me, "He's lying."

"I'm sorry Binnie, but I will fight you next time." Y/n and Changbin were hugging in the kitchen, "That won't happen but we'll see." He squeezed her cheeks. "I love you my Dark Rapper." She kissed his forehead, "I love you too my Deep Rapper."
"Ugh, all this talk of love makes me feel single." Felix sat in one of the chairs. "We're gonna be single for the next 4 years." Changbin pointed out making Felix groan even louder. "Don't remind me."

"You three are too young to talk about love." Chan came attacking Felix in his hugs, "Says the one who hasn't experienced." Y/n said hand on her hip. "Oh and you have?" Chan tries her, "Everyday." She smiled, "Because I'm with you idiots."
"Aw, little lady, we love you too!" The boys started popping in one after another. "Oh no, this isn't a group hug is it?" Y/n backed up but hit someone's chest, Jeongin. "Sorry Innie." She turned to the younger boy being embraced in his arms. "Guys I got her!"

Hey there! This chapter was short, I like short moments, maybe you do too?
We had cutesy time with Minho and the gang, You are very feisty, but that's how all friends are, if not, you probably are that friend.
Han can actually stand being around you, Lee Know and you are touchyyy too!

Also, be sure to look out for the next chapter because I already have it written, I'm just proofreading, actually it's probably already posted...

Anywho, thank you as always for reading and see you in the next!
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