Chapter 11

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⚫️Love You, Goodbye⚫️

November 1, 2019

I woke up from my alarm, we had practice today, I forgot. Memories of Eric telling me about Jisung kept replaying in my head. He didn't come home either.

I walked out of my room seeing Changbin coming out of his, "He's still not here. This isn't like him." He said leading the way towards the kitchen. "We need to talk later." I sat on the table, "Chan needs to be there too." He nodded sensing my serious tone.
Just then the door opened, and in came Jisung out of breath with messy clothes. His eyes landed on us knowing he was in trouble, not only by Changbin and I but Chan too. "I'm sorry," He started head down, "We'll talk about this later, you should get ready for today." Changbin says following his figure as he disappears down the hall.

"He was with her." My heart shattered but I didn't shed a tear, he had hickeys all over his neck, it would only mean one thing.

We finished the recording session of Laventer along with a few other songs and were told we could go home for the day. Dance practice wouldn't be until tomorrow morning at the same time.
So here we were in my room Chan, Changbin and I, the others were wandering about the dorms. "This needs to spoken upon, now."

Chan's face was soft as he placed a hand on my knee. I took a deep breath, "Eric from The Boyz came up to me last night after I used the bathroom. He said he saw Jisung in the corner, with another female Idol..." I mumbled the last words but I knew they understood.
"Who was the girl?" Changbin sat up straight, "He couldn't see her face. But he knew it was Jisung because they met earlier that night. Eric wouldn't lie about something like this."

"Confront him." Chan simply says, "No buts, I'll get him." Before I could object he already left the room, no longer than a minute they both came in, Chan locking the door.
"What's going on, are you okay?" He sat on my bed sitting next to me, I didn't look at him, I couldn't. "Why did you do it?" Changbin stared at the boy, "Do what?" He asks, "Don't play stupid Jisung. We all know." Chan also stared at him.

Jisung looked down at his lap, a guilty aura falling over him. "I'm sorry. It was a drunken mistake, that is not an excuse I know. She just looked so much like you." "So you did it anyways after finding out she wasn't me? No one could find you all night, the venue was cleared out, so where were you?" Y/n fought back her tears.
He never picked up his head too ashamed of what he did. "I went to a hotel close by. She was there too," His voice was shaky, "You had sex with her." Y/n finished his sentence.

"No one saw you leave right?" Chan took over seeing Y/n the pain in her eyes. "I don't think so. She was gone when I woke up." He finally picked up his head, looking right at Y/n. She broke down in Changbin's arms, it hurt him seeing her state, especially since he was the one who cause it.
"I understand if you don't want to be together any longer. I don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have. I'm sorry." Jisung left softly closing the door on his way out.

"Please don't have this change the group, we can't have another one gone." Chan joined Changbin in our hug, "It won't, I'll make up with him later today."

I stayed in my room, Chan and Changbin went to go talk with Jisung a little after he left. And since then the dorm halls have been quiet, every once in awhile one of the members came in to grab something or just to hangout.
Minho of course was with me, he played with my hair like always. "Last night must have worried you, did you not get sleep well?" His voice had concern lingering in it. "No I didn't, it seems like no one did." "Let's take a nap then." He said pulling my blankets, his arm falling to my waist bringing me closer to him.

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