Ch 01 - I Worry About You

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Tony was working on his Underwater Iron Man suit the 'Golden Ducky' when Friday alerted him that she received a distress signal from 'Point Break'. Tony immediately asked Friday to read it for him. Friday read it and Tony came to know about the destruction of Asgard and Death of Thor's dad and sister. The most shocking fact was that Bruce was with him. They were coming to Earth just in a few days.


Thor's ship descended in the lawn barely leaving any grass unburnt which caused Tony to think that the dude really did not care about lawn's beauty. He saw Thor descend from the ship with Loki, Bruce and a Woman following behind. Tony delightfully invited them inside to talk but Thor and Bruce first hugged the life out of Tony.

They had just finished listening to Thor's and Bruce's time when they were missing when try elevator dinged and suddenly it came rushing to Tony that it was his and Peter's lab day. Peter just came in casually scrolling through his phone screen when suddenly he noticed that there was someone else beside Tony.

As he looked up his eyes widened comically to the size of plates as there stood in all glory the one and only the 7 PhD holder Robert Bruce Banner. He immediately sprinted of to greet the scientist and took out his hand to shake which Bruce took and shook. "Dr. Banner it's an honor to meet you btw your work on gamma radiation is extraordinary I have read it all and I was fascinated, you are like my favorite scientist." Peter rambled. Bruce was dumbfounded there was someone who was his fan instead of the 'Big Guy'. Bruce smiled kindly and Tony seeing the kid flustered from his rambling just merely chuckled. Thor suddenly with his booming voice said," Ah! Starkson you seem to be a fan of my dear friend."

The sudden interruption from Thor with such a high pitched voice caused Peter's spider instincts to kick in and stick to the ceiling. Both Thor and Bruce just gaped at the scene of the teen stuck on the ceiling with their mouths open." Did I forget to tell you he is Spider-Man basically he can do whatever a spider can" Tony stated like it was the most ordinary thing nowadays. He seemed to have skipped the Starkson part and then he started rambling, "He is just my intern not son."

Peter dropped down from the ceiling and was fired with questions from Bruce "What are your powers? How did you get them? How old are you? Are you really not his son? You two seem to be like exactly identical."

Tony was gonna answer the son question when Peter started answering his questions "Well I can stick to basically any surface, I have enhanced senses, I have super strength I cna lift up to 10 tons I have enhance healing too and I seem to have developed a danger alarming sense that warns me of any danger beforehand, I got them when I got bit by a radioactive spider on a field trip to Oscorp, Psssh he wished."

Thor just whispered to Bruce" They are lying he has got the same snarky remarks and sarcasm" to which Bruce just nodded.

Tony just glared at Peter and said "Yeah right whatever". Tony told Peter to just wait and watch some TV while he wanted some alone time in his lab with Bruce to catch up like old days. Peter understandingly nodded and started watching Rick and Morty leaving the duo alone.

Bruce and Tony had just reached the lab when Bruce spoke "Come on you can tell me the truth he is your son right?" "Why does everyone question that!?" Tony stated exasperated."Well for starters you hate kids and if you are around him he is obviously special to you and he is pretty smart too if he understood my work which could easily be mistook as he took after your brain." Bruce explained. "I understand I do love him, he is a good kid, very self sacrificing and I really do wish nothing more than if he was my son."Tony stated honestly.

Bruce understood that Tony was telling the truth so he shifted the topic from 'Father and Son' to Peter's powers. After some rapid questioning from Bruce and answering from Tony, Bruce asked "How does he know he can lift 10 tons?" Bruce asked casually. Tony opened his mouth to answer but nothing came out, he himself started thinking that how did the kid know how much he could lift and all this thinking caused him to sweat.

Seeing the silence Bruce spoke," It's not like he is just bench pressed 10 tons right?" he also asked nervously because he was also concerned for the kid's safety, he had just met him several minutes ago but got really attached and was ready to do anything for the kid's safety. Without further thinking Tony just asked Friday to call Peter here.

Peter was interrupted during his favorite episode 'The Anatomy Park' when Friday spoke "Peter, Boss has requested your presence immediately." Peter left from his spot towards the lab.

Bruce and Tony were just sitting in silence when Peter came and greeted Tony "Hey what's up Mr. Stark? Why did ya call me?" he asked. "Ah! Peter finally nothing just had a question to ask you" Tony paused and Peter knew he was gonna continue so he just stayed silent "How did you know you could lift 10 tons?" Tony questioned and looked towards the Teen for an answer. Peter just stared and sweat formed on his forehead.

"Oh that's nothing I just guessed" He tried to lie but Tony saw right through it and questioned further "But why specifically 10 tons" to which he didn't receive an answer.
"You should just tell me the truth instead of lying" Tony stated like it was obvious. Peter just sighed exasperatedly and sat down. We both waited patiently for him to start.

"So you know about the Vulture incident but I might have skipped a teeny weeny bit of info from telling you, so you know I followed him to that warehouse and he might have cut down all the support pillars and had made the whole ceiling fall on me. So yeah it was either lift that weight or die by being crushed so I lifted it and kicked his ass."


Bruce broke it by asking" Why didn't you call for help you could have called Tony for helping you out. "" It was all my fault, I took your suit IT WAS ALL MY FAULT DAMMIT!"Tony shouted out." Mr. Stark it wasn't your fault, you were right I didn't deserve the suit. You did nothing wrong, don't blame yourself. I didn't deserve it"Peter tried to reason with Tony's anger. But Tony just looked at him with grim expression and spoke," Don't talk about yourself like that you deserve the world kid. I was wrong. I shouldn't have taken it and I never will from now on. AND you have to call me from now on on every little wound you get during Spidermanning whether it's a scratch or a gunshot. Understood? "

" Yes Mr. Stark"Peter replied smiling sheepishly. Tony side hugged Peter and kissed his forehead like a Dad would when his son got hurt causing Peter to blush. "Now can I continue my Rick and Morty marathon or are we going to work in lab?" Peter questioned. "I don't want you doing anything today just go and watch whatever you are watching and we'll join you shortly" Tony said sighing deeply. "OK Mr. Stark" Peter said and ran upstairs.

Bruce just smile at Tony seeing his friend in a Dad mode made him happy. He knew one thing for sure that they were Father and Son biologically or not but they are Father and Son.


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