Chapter-47 Drunken endeavors (18+)

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Warning for young readers, mature content ahead. If you don't like to read sexual content the just skip after the dotted line part. Story won't be affected.

Enjoy reading!!


Author's POV

Taarey were dancing with each other forgetting the world, Rey was not drunk, just a little tipsy as he knew he has to handle Taani while she was fully drunk. First she was hesitant in drinking but when Rey assured her that he was here to take care of her, so she took her first drink and soon was drunk after a bunch of shots.

They grinded their bodies together, her hand on his shoulders while his were at her waist. Their bodies moved in sync with each other and the music. They danced and explored each other, hands running on each other's frames. She turned plastering her back to his front, he pulled her closer feeling her hips plastering to his lower body.

He removed the hair strands from her shoulders, kissing her there passionately, she threw her head back clutching his hands. They both didn't knew what they were doing and where. They just felt like teens in love who just lost themselves in each other. They didn't care who saw them or not, what they just cared about was they were enjoying this period together. This period of fun which was missing while they were in a relationship.

Rey could feel that he was a little aroused now and could lose control anytime, so he said in a hoarse voice,

"Shall we head home jaan, I can't control myself more."

She couldn't speak at all, she was so high, although not aware because of the alcohol or in his love, all she knew was she wanted to be in his arms as long as she lives. So she just nodded her head in agreement, and he didn't need to be told twice as soon he pulled both of them out of the club and inside his car.

He drove towards the house at a high speed and in no time they were back in the house, parking the car they moved out and ran inside the house, laughing and playing like kids. She pushed him a little and asked him to chase her showing her tongue to him. He ran after her while she ran towards the room.

Their laughter was echoing around the house, Taani entered the room and was soon going to close the door but he stopped her in time. She started taking steps backwards while he moved towards her like a predator not before locking the door.

Before she could react she was in his arms while he hoisted her on his shoulder like a sack. She shrieked at him,

"Rey, what are you doing? Put me down."

She threw her hands and legs around trying to wriggle out but shut up when in a click of finger he spanked her butt lightly, her mouth opened in an 'O' shape, he walked towards the shower and put her down inside the cubicle when she asked,

"Rey, did you just span...."

She was stopped before she could complain by his lips, he kissed her feverishly not even giving her time to respond. She didn't even take a moment to kiss him back with equal passion.He turned on the shower making both of them wet. His hands moved down on her body and he pressed her butts again, she gasped giving him access in her mouth. He shoved his tongue in tasting each and every corner of her mouth. Their tongues tangled with each other, fighting. He sucked it making her breathless. Realising she need to breath he left her but didn't stop kissing her skin, his hands moved to her hair and he pulled them hard in a tight grip making her threw her head back in pleasure while he kissed and sucked her neck and her throat.

Finding too many obstacles in between them he undressed both of them quickly leaving them in their birthsuits. Her body collided with the wall of the shower with her front facing the wall while his was pressed to her back. He kissed her bare back sucking the water droplets off her body. She arched her back in the extreme state of pleasure.

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