Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I surrender to the destiny sealing my heart from the memories of the girl who succeeded in capturing my heart at the first sight. My promise to Harris is much more important for everything he did to me and my sister. I cannot send this dying man to heaven with a pit in his heart worrying about his daughter and business. The charming belle would still remain with me in my soul but only like a beautiful memory.

"Don't worry Harris, I will take over your businesses and marry your daughter." I assure him holding his hand between my both hands. A relief washed over the patriarch's face. "My son..." he whispered to himself in solace and hugged me tight. "But you will promise me you will take care of your health. Otherwise I am going to drag you to my house and watch you 24/7 without a blink of an eye cancelling all my duties."

"I will take care of myself sir." He gave me a mock salute with his eyes twinkling in immense happiness. "I am forwarding to you a picture of Ari so that it would be easy for you to locate her along with her contact number. Tomorrow is her graduation ceremony. As you know I wouldn't be able to attend the function and she will feel very sad if no one from the family is going to be present for the ceremony."

"Doesn't she know you are sick and admitted in the hospital?" I ask him feeling a bit confounded. Harris made a long sigh and looked at me with doleful eyes. "My relation with my daughter is not very strong. She doesn't know that I fell sick and am admitted in the hospital." A look of pity crossed my eyes for the gray haired man.

"My wife died when my daughter was eight years old in an accident. As long as Marcy lived we were a happy family but I couldn't recover over my wife's death for a very long time. That is why I stayed unmarried till today.
My daughter reminds me of her. She has got the same genes, a cute pointed nose and bright eyes like that of her mother." There appeared warmth in Harris speech, a hidden love for his daughter that I never got to discover in years of our long association.

"After Marcy's death I ignored Arianna to the best of what I can. I came home after she slept and even for the meagre times that we stay together I do not speak to her." There was a desolation lacing in Harris's words. "I know it is coward man's move but I couldn't help myself but to disregard her to save my heart from the mental torture."

"Harris do not blame yourself for the nature's fury." I try to satiate the senior citizen with my composed words at the same time try to help him to rest. The more he strains bringing forward the past, the greater is the pressure on his already weak heart. "It is been a long time since you are awake. You need to sleep to give rest to your body." I try covering him with a duvet. He arrests my movements laying a hand on mine. I look at him confused. "It is now or never. I know I do not have much time on this earth and you need to know many more things about Ari."

My vision falls on the electrocardiogram that was situated besides recording Harris's heart beat. I took his wrist in mine and examined his pulse. A knowing smile played on his lips. "I know you will fight God and bring me back to this world. Don't you wish to give this old man some rest?"

"Never are you going to leave us and this world. Do you understand?" There appeared a slight tremble in my voice and he blinks his eyes repeatedly to arrest his tears. "When is Julie reaching Miami? I have so many things to speak to her against you." I nod. "You will defenitely meet her in a very short time."


"I am feeling hungry." He notifies me like a kid to his mother. Placing a little table I arrange a steaming mug of mixed vegetable soup in front of him. "Yew" he makes a face peeking at the cream coloured bowl. I give him my warning eyes. "What are you? A two year old toddler? This is the diet you are supposed to have with your present heart condition."

He tries to give me his puppy eyes but I try not to get faded with his tricks. The few minutes of drinking soup pass in silence and then he continues with his recital. "With the growing time mine and Ari's distance increased. Love still exists between us, for her in the form of hatred and for me in the form of love." He then spoke about the good times they shared together. By the time Harris finished his potrayal I could note him slightly heaving.

I immediately inserted a dose of Hydralazine in the syringe and injected it to him. "If you aren't going stay calm, I am going to leave this place." I tell him in calmness of a sea but inside my nerves were playing the havoc of a burning inferno.

"Okay...okay before you leave take this for Julie." His eyelids were slowly dropping now and I held a sigh of relief. "What is this?" I ask him slightly surprised looking at the small box that was covered in a colourful gift wrapper. "It is the camera Julie asked you more than ten days ago." He gives me a disappointed look. "I know you are too busy and are going to forget buying it for her. So I sent one of my men to get it."

I groan running my hands through my thick hair. "It is always you beating me in the race of purchasing things for Julie. Give this young man at least a chance to discharge his duties as an older brother." He gives me reassured smile. "You are going to have plenty of such chances in the future but don't destroy them with your forgetfulness. Now get out of my room. I am feeling sleepy." He tells softly and closes his eyes.

I take the clipboard hanging to Harris cot and inspect the medicines and injections administered on him. I went to the adjacent chamber and spoke to the cardiologist. After assuring myself about his improving health I talk to the nurse who just entered his room to check Harris's pressure. I instructed her regarding the diet and about the changes in medicines I made consulting to the cardiologist.

Walking out of the hospital I take out my phone from the pant pocket to make some important calls. Harris had sent me a picture of his daughter. What does she look? I thought inquisitive.

I open the mail and for what I saw I had a shakeup of entity from a mind blowing history.

Well Friends,
A small note to share with you.
After the finish of this story, a sequel of The Mogul's intense adoration Mi Amore is going to start its updates. It is the story of Charles Rodriguez, the son of Allen Rodriguez.

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