Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Two hours later we were again doing it again. We were insatiable love birds.


My tongue flicked out and wet my lips, libido awakened by the sensuality he oozed. Hot. All of a sudden I was inexplicably hot even though the air conditioner was on full in the bedroom. Allen's lids lowered, eyes darkening, emotion dancing in his optics now. We stared at each other, and I could see in his tempestuous eyes if he took me at this very minute, it would be fast and hard and...fucking hot.

Taking pre-emptive action, I wrapped my arms around his neck while his hands clasped my hips and pulled me onto his lap. His tongue dipped into my mouth, exploring, as we ravaged each other hard, hungrily, thrust for thrust. Lips bitten, tongues tangled, moans absorbed. Yanking up my dress, he freed my legs so I could straddle him, our lips never parting. Hands squeezing my ass, he flexed his hips forward, allowing me to feel his hard erection. Oh god, I wanted him so, so bad. His thoughts must have mirrored mine, because he spared no time in freeing himself from the constraints of his pants and made quick work of shifting my panties and entering me. "Ah," I moaned at the brief pain from his size, closing my eyes and tipping my head back. He attacked my neck, sucking and nipping as he thrust up into my strides. "Harder," he breathed.

"Faster." Digging my fingers into his shoulders, I did as he commanded, reveling in the feel of him swelling inside me. No latex between, just us, hard against soft. The feeling was exquisite, and I felt the wave building at my impending orgasm. Allen's breathing grew harsher, more ragged as I rode him, taking all of him, our juices mixing. My legs trembled and my strides accelerated, harder, faster, possessed. This wave was going to be a big one. Vibrations rocked me as the wave rose up in the sea. I surfed on the edge before the wave swallowed me whole and crashed me onto the shore. I shattered around my lover, contracting at my release. Air hissing through his teeth. Allen gripped my waist and slammed me down onto him, punctuating his last hard thrust with a feral "Damn you, Ari!" He pulsated inside me, flooding me with his latent as he buried his face into my cleavage, his arms wrapped tightly around me. Then we sagged, spent, and stayed that way for… who knows how long.


The best time Allen and me spend together are during weekends. We go shopping and watch movies on Netflix. Sometimes when Allen is in a mood he makes dinner or we order a takeout or dine in a restaurant. Me and Allen are perfectly compatible. We can chat about anything under the sun and pull on a lively conversation. Allen is humorous, smart and lively. The way his eyes sparkle in brightness when he laughs ignites lights in my soul. I wish I could just watch him smile all twenty four hours.

Today Allen is taking me out to dinner to one of the best dining restaurents in the city, the place is yet to get disclosed as it is a surprise to me. He arrived from Michigan two days back, sooner than expected because he wanted to astonish me with his sudden presence and I was more than happy to relish his stupefying appearance.

I was dressed in a sky blue evening gown which came down in free curls just below my knees. The dress was sleeveless and has a lacy floral finish in its bust area. I matched it with a white pearl necklace and matching ear rings. I put on a pink lip gloss a little bit of eyeliner and mascara to accentuate my black eyes. My hair was left lose to my waist and I have put on my favorite matching blue sandals to complete my look.

Allen was like always very handsome dressed casual in blue jeans and a white t shirt with a grey sweater tied losely by its sleeves on his chest covering his back. He was standing at the foot of the stairs waiting for me. I climb down the steps as his eyes rake my body in appreciation. No sooner do I reach him, his eyes brighten like stars. He cups my cheeks in his warm hands and kisses my forehead. "My cherry looks very beautiful." He compliments and drawls down his hands from my shoulders to my wrists. Holding my hand in his, he brings out a rectangular box from his pant pocket and slides the lid open. My eyes glitter in surprise and my jaw drops down. Inside was a beautiful platinum bracelet. It had a cute heart shaped dial in center embellished with diamonds and on the inner side of the wrist band were names carved Ari and Allen.

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