Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


His lips move softly on mine. At first the kiss was slow balanced in benignity but gradually it turns fierce striked by an overwhelming need of passion.  I circle my hands around him in a tight hug and let out a soft gasp. His hold on me tightens and he deepens the kiss. My heart thuds fast and his was replicating the same like our feelings were dancing in the same rhythm. 

"Stop me if you don't want this to happen." He tells me softly and kisses me slow and intense. I never experienced such a profused fervency. There was this heat, a longing vehemence in his kiss as though I was his salvation. I couldn't stop him from the canoodle. It took away my every breathe.  The snog I shared with him was unparalleled. It was like a spell of an amorous osculation.

"Allen" I breathe out his name in a soft resonance. He cups my cheeks and looks towards the sky in an unperceived affliction. "Allen what happened?" I asked him worried. Closing his eyes for a moment his orbs meet mine in a torment.  "This shouldn't have happened Ari...I am so sorry." His voice breaks in an unexplored emotion.

Does he regret the kiss? Why does it ache me so bad that Allen deplored my kiss. He is not my boyfriend, not even my love. He is just my temporary husband. After dad recovers his health, I am going to tell him the truth and walk away from Allen and this shammed matrimony. But why doesn't the ensuing thought give me the gratification I so strongly wanted? I had no answer for my question. Few months back I was ready to die for Robert.  But now?.....

There is this depressed feeling in my chest. My heart clonks against my ribcage as if my soul is deprived of the existence. "Do you abhor the kiss Allen?" I ask him soft with my eyes in pools. "What?" There was shock in his optics concerning mine. "No sweetheart..." He rubs the pads of his thumbs on my cheeks. "It is just that...the kiss shouldn't have happened." He attaches our foreheads staring into my eyes. "Do not cry 'my cherry'." He cleans my tears with his finger tips holding my head in his other hand. "I cannot see you cry." He declares, his voice going more hoarsely with every falling word off his rims. Inexplicable he stares at me for a moment and then walks away from the room leaving me disconsolate.

After the kiss for weeks together we didn't talk to each other. It has been six months since I am staying in Allen's house. Dad had been steadily improving. Thrice Allen had spoken to Robert and also convinced him for the marriage but somehow when I think of the postulation the news didn't bring any propitious feelings in me. Every time Allen spoke to me about Robert there was a knot in my stomach as if the conversation was infelicitous.  I am bewildered about myself.

"Ari come here." Allen calls me to his room fixing the cufflinks of his light green dress shirt. I ogle at my handsome husband. He is picture perfect, a strong jaw that highlights his high cheek bones and a light stubble that spotlights his much manly features. His eyes were the darkest greens like a dense forest penetrating into my soul that invigorated feelings unfathomable. What is wrong with me?  Why am I pumulgated to this indomitable salaciousness? He is just a friend who is trying to help me with my problems. I wanted to justify myself but find the answer no where near satisfactory.

"Are you okay Ari?" Allen asks me confounded looking through the mirror. I nod as he fixes his wrist watch. "There is an emergency arrived and I need to go immediately." He turns back and cups my cheeks kissing my forehead. "Your dad invited us for dinner this weekend at his house. I wanted to ask you before replying him if you are comfortable to go." There was disquiet in his eyes studying me.

I only bob my head looking down and play my fingers. "Can I bring Dolores when coming back home?" Allen pushes the hair out of my face and kisses my forehead. "Anything that goes to make you happy, my Cherry, You can always bring him with you."

It was in the wee hours of early morning. The sky was still covered in subtle darkness with specks of light gaping out of it. There was warm chirping of colorful birds from the midst of tall green trees. The colossal mountains across were covered in fog which was yet to get cleared.

In the nub of delightful nature hosted a captivating pond encircled with pastures of green grass and beautiful flowers. Dressed in swim shorts which dangerously hanged low defining his slim waist an Adonis walks out of the estuary with dripping water. 

He was perfect with unfaltering masculinity like a Greek God. The broad shoulders went to a small waist creating a perfect v shape. His hair was almost black and he had a deep cleft chin. His lips were sinful looking, full and heart shaped. Not the sort of lips a man should have.  The moment my eyes fall on his emerald green pools, they held me captive, shrewd and sharp like the tip of an arrow that could capture every image around like in a spell.

He had made his way towards where I sat. Walking with wreaked dominance in his powerful strides he wipes away the beads of water resting on his thick maned chest. A slow smile pulls on his pink plum lips with assured confidence. "What are you looking at Ari?" I was least mindful of the thought that I have been caught.

My top teeth had bitten down to my bottom lip in apprehension admiring his beauty.

"Ari wake up damn it!"  I woke up from the beautiful vision in a discomposure hearing an agitated voice. My eyes scan around the room and end with meeting green eyes that were looking at me in worry. I rubbed my face with my hands disconcerted and gaped.

The same strikingly fine features.....the rippling muscles....and the emerald eyes. Gawping wide my spirit dawns in realization. The man in the dream.... Allen Rodriguez..... But why?

"Ari what happened to you? Are you alright?" Allen shakes me holding my shoulders, fretfulness evident in his eyes. "I am fine Allen, it was just a dream." I look into his eyes for a moment and accept the glass of water he was holding out for me. My mind was still occupied by the bizarre vision? Why would I fantasize about Allen Rodriguez? He is just a passing phase of my life. I would probably not the least remember him after a couple of years. I will soon be the wife of Robert  Martin, the love of my life.

My relation with my father is not in best terms but I also know dad would never take a decision that would harm me specially when it is concerned about my life and marriage. I will be meeting him this weekend and I will tell him everything about my relationship with Robert. Allen had already spoken to Robert and he is ready for the marriage. Everything is going as per plan and the best is going to happen. I pep talk myself.

Occupied with the thoughts, I did not know my mind was eating nuts and I cut my finger while chopping carrots. "Aah" there left an involuntary soft sob out of my lips. Allen immediately rushes to the cooking room. "You are getting more and more absent minded these days, Ari." He scolds. "See what you did to your finger?" There was a strain in his voice with a subtle twinge holding my bleeding finger to his mouth. Delicious sensations ran down my spine as he sucks in, his tongue lapping on my digit in soft strokes. An undecipherable thrum raced between my legs and I was wet in a matter of seconds.

What came next over me, I had least idea. I pulled his head down with my other hand and captured his lips swamped by the succulent prickle.

Dear Readers
I am updating Fractured and The Mogul's intense adoration on Booknet alternatively.
Fractured is of course a sequel of The billionaire's secret love though it can be read separately too.
However The Mogul's intense adoration is a standalone novel. The sequel of this story Mi Amore will be airing its episodes after the conclusion of the present story.

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